
At switzerland what kind of money they use?ex. us uses dollar so what could it be at switzerland??

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if we transformed the swiss money to much would it be???




  1. Swiss Franks are their local currency.  But you can find places there who accept euros as well.

  2. swiss francs (CHF)!!!!

  3. 1.20 swiss francs = 1 US dollar

  4. swiss francs

  5. they use CHF (swiss franc) , approx us$ 1 = 1,25 CHF

  6. In my tiny little nation, we use the Swiss Franc, which is divided into 100 "rappen" (German); 100 "centimes" (French); 100 "centesimi" (Italian, but 1 "centesimo") and in Romasch, 100 rap.

    It is usually abbreviated as CHF, SfR. The centimes are divided into 5 centimes, 10 centimes, 20 centimes and 50 centimes coins. Then we have 1 fr, 2 frs, 5 frs coins. And last we have the bills which are 10 francs (in yellow), 20 francs (in reddish-pink), 50 francs (in green), 100 francs (in blue), 200 francs (in brownish-yellow) and 1000 francs (purple).

    The exchange rate can be found through Yahoo! Finance by clicking below for US$ to CHF

    CHF to US$, click below:

    Hope this has helped,


  7. Swiss Francs. But usually every store accept euros.

  8. Euros

  9. Franc...

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