
At the 2008 Democratic National Convention, who has the best political strategist? FOX NEWS or CNN?

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At the 2008 Democratic National Convention, who has the best political strategist? FOX NEWS or CNN?




  1. CNN will have Carville and Begala, which is pretty good, and Fox is in the tank for McCain, so they'll probably be talking about "terrorist fist bumps" and other such nonsense.  

  2. Fox has a group of diverse analysts from both sides and differing levels of moderation or hard liners.

    CNN has only lefties with no varied perspective. Carville and Bagala are both ex Clinton spin machine guys. Carville popularized the derogatory term "trailer trash" to describe those who admitted having affairs with Clinton, or reported his harassment. Carville and Bagala are dishonest types who are in the tank for democrats all the time, and will lie and deceive any time it serves their affiliation.

    There is absolutely no contest, and that's probably why Fox's ratings dwarf those of CNN consistently.

  3. Fox

  4. Neither, it will vary based on the view's of the individual's political leaning's. I don't know why the news networks and corporations still try to hide where their true intention's lie, but for the most part, CNN caters to the left, and FOX is for the right. People who watch either one religiously are already rooted in their political ideologies, so watching their favorite political channels even further only reinforces their bias and misguided views on the matter.

    I have to say that I am astounded by the naiveness of anyone who is a far-leaner in either direction, because it cause's otherwise rationale individual's to compromise their value's for the sake of their party's behalf. This was never the purpose of our democracy, people should vote based on the issues, not on the party's behalf. I can already tell you ahead of time that FOX News will find something wrong or record some quote taken out of context during the Convention, and exploit the h**l out of it in hopes of gearing more people away from voting for Obama come November. CNN will probably show the Best-of highlights, and refute some of the more questionable things that are said and done at the convention, because they are behind the Democratic party first and foremost.

    Of coarse there will be discourse, but that is to be expected.  

  5. emm. FOX is manipulated by republicans. May be CNN.

  6. neither its Jon Stewart.

  7. FOX. For sure.

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