
At the back of my AP US History hw, it says suggested summer reading list.?

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but then it says select two of the following. so i want to know if that means i have to read the books or not? i'm confused becuz why would someone tell you to select two from a list if its optional??if its optional shouldn't i read as much as i want?

sooo i just wanna noe if u think that i'm suppose to read the books or not. my entire ap class is confused.




  1. If you're confused, just read the books. They'll help you in the long run.

  2. im a teacher. if i were to give this to my class it would mean i gave them a list of books.(Suggested would mean they can pick from the list which ones they want to read) I would then ask them to pick two books to read from that list. I would not think your teacher means the assignment is "optional" but rather the choice to pick which books you would want to read. Here is another hint........ READ TWO BOOKS FROM THE LIST! as a teacher myself, if i gave my class a summer asignment i would test them when they came back to class and ask them to do some sort of book report in class one day about the two books they read over the do the work. pick two books from the list. the assignment isnt optional. its the books you pick to read thats optional. understand?  good luck did i make myslef clear? let me know if you need more help.

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