
At the end of the day isn't a person who claims to believe in God really saying, yes I believe its possible?

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IN the end when one says they believe in a creator, aren't they really just affirming that the possibility of a creator exists but cannot be known or expressed in human terms?




  1. Yes. I believe in a creator but i don't think he really cares what goes on on Earth. Maybe we are in the Matrix, who knows.

  2. i believe in God because i want to know my father. convincing someone that God is real is impossible to do for anyone. only God Himself can show you and if you are convinced He is real it was God not me.

    God talks to us in our hearts and only God can reach that deep.


  3. no...not me anyway.

    im absolutley correct when i say god is real.

    there was a time in my life though,when i just thought it was bunk.

  4. The bible tells us "only a fool would say in his heart there is no God."

    No they really believe God, there is so much evidence to support the belief. It is harder to say there is no God.  

  5. No, not really. Most people believe they have had experiences with their god... they believe for sure that their particular god not only exists but interacts with the world in ways that they recognize.

  6. No. I believe it is a fact. Not possible nor probable but pure unadulterated Truth.  

  7. Nope. We say what we mean and mean what we say.

  8. No.  When they say they believe in a creator, they mean they believe in a creator.  

  9. That isn't usually what they say. Very few of the believers I have talked to (online and in person) have meant that they only are saying that God is a possibility. The vast majority say that they "know" that God exists, or at least believe that it is very probable. Both of these are much stronger than merely admitting a possibility.

    And many fundamentalists go out of their way to describe God in human terms. The bible is taken to be literally true in a very ordinary way. Its message is thought to be written plainly for all to understand. God's will, as reprsented in the bible, is thought to be clear and obvious. Fundamentalism is not mysticism. Whereas a mystic may be reluctant or unable to express the divine in human terms, the fundamentalist believes that not only is it possible, it has been done so. So in the end, most believers I have met would probably not agree that talk of a creator cannot be expressed in human terms.

  10. People that believe in God, believe in God.. Not just the notion that it might be true. Believers have faith that what they have learned, what they have been taught, is all true.

  11. The goal is to seek and find and experience our Creator.  To believe means to "hold as true".  We must "hold as true" that He exists in order to honestly seek Him.  

    At the end of the day, we "hold as true" that our experiences of that day were engineered by our Creator for us to know His character and for us to be transformed by that experience.

  12. to try to convince others is impossible in human terms .. to know for oneself is a certainty not a hope in a possibility ..

  13.   This is true for those that believe but not for those of us that know..Believing is not knowing..You can easily prove God's existence  by reading Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch..If God did not want you to see this answer, it would not be here..God bless

  14. how do you know gravity exists? can you see gravity? no, you can only see the evidence of gravity. christians see the evidence of God. I hope you will too.  

  15. First response is right on the money.  It is very easy to ascribe phenomena to a deity if you don't know enough science to understand how things really happen.

  16. No because WE ARE creators. God is within us. We create human life through s*x.  We create art, music, buildings, inventions.  We are the expression of God.

  17. Faith is something unique and individual to each Believer.  You are describing more of a optimistic Agnostic than a True believer.  Faith cannot be taught,  It's a feeling you have.  A completeness in understanding that God must logically exist.

  18. Not really, it's just how we as human work, our minds atleast

  19. No, believing is not the same as thinking something likely because it has a reasonable probability.

    In Christianity, the experience is also realizing that Jesus Christ is alive, and that he speaks to your heart.  God becomes a real person to you.  He is Father, Savior, Comforter and friend.

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