
At the rate people are using fossil fuels today, the fossil fuel will all be used in:?

by  |  earlier

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[a] your lifetime

[b] 400 years

[c] 200 years

[d] 100 years

[e] 2 years

helpp pleasee




  1. in10-15 yrs much sooner than some would expect

  2. ney ney, this question does not match any of your answer choices since it is always changing.  Some people say 12 years while other people say never.  Can you challenge this one with your teacher?

  3. This answer has too many variables to yield a good answer, but it is somewhere between a, and d.

    The oil will not "run out", as in a spigot being shut off.  First, there will be a point (very soon BTW) where the ability to find new supplies fast enough to meet growing demand, will no longer exist.  This will result in price instability.  As demand exceeds supply, prices spike, causing people to consume less, which will level the price temporarily.

    This is part of what is happening now, but there are other factors, including global political instability, and commodity market speculation.

    I would hold off buying an Escalade if I were you.

  4. I believe the answer they are looking for is probably "your lifetime", but I don't believe anyone knows enough yet to judge this with any certainty.

  5. Everyone fixates on oil.  

    At the end of 2006 the world wide recoverable coal reserves amounted around 800 or 900 gigatons. In 2007 it was estimated that there was 909,064 million tons of proven coal reserves worldwide, or 147 years of reserves.  This does not include lignite.

    There is also tar sands. Between the Canadian and Venezuelan deposits there is about 3.6 trillion barrels of oil in place.  That compares to 1.75 trillion barrels of conventional oil worldwide.  The consumption is minimal at the present time.

    There is natural gas. There are 172 trillion cubic meters of natural gas proven reserves.  Current consumption is at a rate of 3 trillion cubic meters per year.  That is 57 years of reserves.

    Oil has 1,330 billion barrels of proven reserves and a consumption of 80 billion barrels a year.  That would last 17  years.

    Houston... we have a problem!!

  6. their is a girl talking about that on you tube she was rite on the money,, almost scary what she was saying because she seems to be tilling the truth, go to you tube and search the word oil or fossil fuel.

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