
At this moment is cryptozoologist or scientist is still searching evidence of bigfoot or nessie?

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  1. You have to check out Monster Quest on the History Channel.

    They are searching for everything using new technology and equipment.

    It's my new favorite show!

  2. maybe and if they are they had better leave their cameras up for more than a week. thats not how you catch bigfoot on camera with a camera for a needs to be longer. they should prolly also know how to hunt and i mean the slim persons hunting not the fat persons sit in a tree for a couple days. uh ok now that thats out of my system more than likely either someone seeing one or someone is looking for one

  3. yes

    these these lot

    the blog of the current expedition for a wild-man in Russia  is here


    They also look for other undiscovered creatures, and I think they've found quite a few new species over the years.

  4. Sure there are "cryptozoologist's searching for "bigfoot" and "Nessie" and i'm sure there are a few scientist's as well, even though the scientific community doesn't believe in either of these so called creatures.

    Bigfoot "evidence" can and has been so easily faked, including "footprints" with so called "dermal ridges" and not one shred of any hard evidence has ever been produced to support it's existence and that includes the 1967 Patterson film, which the bigfoot enthusiast's always refer to as if it's the holy grail of bigfoot "evidence".

    There is also no large unknown species of animal(s) living in the waters of Loch Ness, science has investigated that lake thoroughly for nearly 40 years, of course keeping the myth of "Nessie" alive is great for the local economy there, with many gift shops, nessie merchandise and  boat rides on the loch.

    It's great for tourism.

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