
At this point who is winning the 2016 summer olympic bid?

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At this point who is winning the 2016 summer olympic bid?




  1. Chicago, IL USA

  2. post above is exactly what i was gonna say. However when it comes to rio, they are hosting the 2014 world cup. This will be too late to prove to the IOC that they can hold a large event and might persuade the IOC to NOT give rio two major events in 2 years. If its in chicago, ill see you there!

  3. I hope Spain does not win the Olympic.  I hope Brazil does.  Though I am concerned about the safety of the tourists, visitors and athletes when they are there.  As everybody knows, Rio is one of the most dangerous cities in the world.  Even the police are afraid to go to some parts of the city.  But if it does, it will give the country renewed enthusiasm to clean up Rio.  So go Brazil.

  4. United STATES is coming 2nd, and Germany is 3rd I think. I can;t remeber first, oh wait! It is spain

  5. I think Spain is winning the 2016 summer Olympic bid, but I hope Brazil is winning because they haven't had it yet.

  6. So it's between Chicago, Tokyo, Madrid and Rio De Janeiro.

    I'd take Tokyo out of the picture because this year's games were in Asia

    And definitely take Madrid out too because London has the 2012 games. Also, they're a terrorist target.

    So it's between Rio and Chicago.

    I personally want Chicago.

    Chicago might get it because they are personally the best sports town in the world. Rio might get it because South America has never hosted the Summer games. But there's a ton of crime, specifically murders there, so I'd say Chicago is in the lead.

  7. probably Paris

  8. The IOC likes to rotate it. 2004 had Athens, 2008 had China, 2012 has London. You'd think 2016 would be in the Western Hemisphere, if only to make the US TV network happy.

    If so, that leaves us with Rio or Chicago. Rio would open up a new market, since the Games have never been in South America. I assume the IOC would have to be convinced that Rio could pull it off. If so, Rio becomes a favorite. If not, Chicago moves up.

    I can't see Spain getting the games under these circumstances.

  9. I would think Brazil has the best chance to get them since the games have never been hosted by a South American country

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