
At times, it feels like the lights are flickering fast...any ideas?

by  |  earlier

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For the past year, every few time a day, it seems like the lights flicker on and off very fast. It will usually slow down after about 20 minutes, or if I leave the room. It sometimes happens when I am watching tv, or sitting at the computer. It's both eyes at once.

I don't know why this is happening. I am seeing a doctor soon, but I really want to know whats happening now.

Any ideas??





  1. sometimes my eyes play tricks on me like that...maybe u could try some eyedrops or something?

  2. highly unlikely... but it could be a retinal or vitreous detatchment. Your retina converts light to electrical impulses and if its interrupted or bothered in any abnormal way it converts those interruptions to light flashes.

    A good example of this is if you ever hit your head readly hard (like getting punched in the face) you see flashes. Basically the stuff in the eye just slammed against your retina and your retina trasnformed those into flashes of light. This is where the term "seeing stars" comes from. =-)

    Usually flashes of light is a retina problem.

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