
At wat age can you give a child dilute pop with cold water?

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At wat age can you give a child dilute pop with cold water?




  1. It tastes good, I'd say any age over 5 you can give them some pop. Not too much obviously, just a treat now and then.

  2. As late as possible. Why give your child an unhealthy drink when there is no need too?

    They soon get to age where they want to 'try' it so wait until then

  3. I'm 19 and I only drink soda like 5 times a year---it is really not necessary to have it and it is very easy to live without.  I only have it when I'm at someone else's house and there is nothing else or if I really need some sugar fast (it makes me extremely crazy and hyper and sometimes I want that when I am with my friends).  I think you should try not to let your kids have it at all.  I grew up being allowed to have soda once every few days and do not agree with letting your kids have it when ever they want.  If they do start wanting it and you do give in-try giving it to them as little as possible, like maybe only at a party/picnic here and there.  If you do completely ban it though, then they will have/want it more when you are not around.

  4. I started when the boys were 1 yr old... they didnt know the difference and liked it just the same...

  5. wait awhile u know, i have had pop my whole life and like caffeine hardly effects me anymore and it SUCKS im like the calmest person on the planet even red bull does not effect me unless its like the other day when i was at work and had been up for 30 hours and had 3 energy drinks plus a soda and yeah was pretty much bouncing off the walls. its kind of cool i guess because im less prone to drinking soda and never really got the whole caffeine addiction thing which i believe i dont have.

    could be wrong though. cuz i do drink a lot of red bull. but i just like the taste....

  6. Why, why, why, why would you do this?  Soda is horrible.  It's loaded with caffeine and sugar or artificial sweeteners.  It has no nutritional value and can become habit forming if you drink it in excess.  

    I think you should not give you kids soda til they are at least 8 then maybe a little on occasion.  My girls do not drink soda and will not until they are teens.  My dh and I do not drink much soda and I do not buy it for our home.  

    Have you ever had soda diluted with water?  Yuck!

  7. my boys will be 9 and 10 and i still do not allow then to drink pop

  8. Never, is a good time. Soda pop has cancer causing carcinogens in it. It's loaded with nothing but bad things. Why  anyone would give it to their kids is beyond me. It has 0 health benefit, and ALL unhealthy benefits. So never is a good time to give it to them.

  9. Why on earth would you want to?  My kids are 10 and 12 and neither one drinks pop.  Other than the taste, there is absolutely nothing good about pop.  High fructose corn syrup is one of the main ingredients and also one of the worst thing you can consume.  And don't even get me started on diet pop.  Why do you feel you have to give a child pop?  Water, milk and fruit juice are perfectly fine on their own.

  10. My son is three, sometimes I would allow him a sip of my pop, but he hates it. He prefers juice, lemonade, or water. I don't think you ever really need to dilute it. I am talking like toddler age I don't know how old your child is. I would never give him a full cup of pop or anything but if you want him to try sips every now and then I don't see a problem. My son drinks mostly water because that is what he likes. His treat drink is like lemonade. There is a good chance your child won't even like the pop, the carbonation is a weird feeling that little ones don't care for and that is a good thing. I definitely wouldn't give him caffeinated pop though

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