
At what age are humans biologicaly adults?

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I dont mean legally i mean when the kid part of there brain shuts down and

they have better sense and better jugment




  1. In my opinion, humans are biologically adult when they can reproduce, i.e. puberty. However, your caveat is more than biologically adult. It implies mature responsibility. That varies from 18 to 80 depending on the person, and, unfortunately, some never get there.

  2. Biologically, menstruation/puberty...

    The age of reproductive possibility!

  3. Biologically, when they hit puberty (varies from person to person, but typically around 12-13).

    As far as the brain goes, the brain finishes developing around the age of 25.

    We seem to have made the legal age about half way between those two points.

  4. biologically, when they hit puberty,  but mentally,  most humans really dont start to make the if I do this/then some other thing happens connection, until the early to mid twenties, not that we dont start to make those kind of decisions during the teen years, but the connections dont really kick in until later.

  5. Age 26.  That's when the brain finally "matures."

  6. Well, your all of your bones have fused and finished ossification around the age of 28, when the clavicle finally gets done, so that's the official end of any growth you're going to have.

    Puberty tends to last through the teen years, but most people continue to grow and mature, physically, into their early 20s. it was once thought that sometime in your teens or early 20s, your brain stopped making new connections between new neurons, but newer evidence supports the idea that the brain can keep "growing" into older ages.

    Your questions reveals some of our cultural hangups about age, where adulthood is seen as a stretch of time in which aging is happening, but growth is not. We just aren't butterflies, who crawl out of their cocoons and have a discrete beginning to their period of adulthood.

    To answer your question, I'd probably say that most people reach adulthood, which is certainly a time of slower or even stagnant growth, in their mid-20s. But remember that there are plenty of adults that don't seem to have shut the kid parts of their brains down.

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