
At what age can I go to perth and train to become a jockey???

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Well,since young,I have always dreamed about becoming a jockey... I am from Singapore. I heard that you must go to Australia if i want to train and learn how to become one. So at what age can i go there??? Only for people who are very clear about what i am talking about. I am 12 this year.




  1. You can become indentured to be an apprentice when you turn 15. I would contact trainers in Western Australia and let them know of your interest in becoming an apprentice jockey when youre a little older. You might establish a rapport with a couple of the trainers and that could lead to you getting a job as a stable hand, and potentially as an apprentice jockey.

  2. I agree with michael c, in that you have to be 15 years of age to become an apprentice, You state that you are from Singapore, what i suggest you do is find a riding school and start there as soon as possible learning everything about caring and looking after a horse first, after 12 months then you can start learning to ride,. this is how most Australian kids learn about horses unless of course they were born into a racing family, good luck with your chosen profession.

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