
At what age can a child choose what parent they want to live with?

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im sorry...i forgot to say in washington state




  1. I had a set of cousins that were 17 and 14, and still couldn't choose to live with the parent they wanted, so as far as I know the answer is 18 or you're screwed.

  2. I think at 13.

  3. well 18 honestly

    if your parents are unagreable then definatly not till your 18 but if they are agreeable they may let you choose

  4. Not sure about all states...

    But in Arizona... it's technically 18.

    At the age of 12 you can request to tell a judge who you wish to live with, but until you turn 18 the judge will decide based upon what is best for the child, which is not always what the child wants.

  5. Well typically in the United States its at the age of 13 when you can choose. If your parent doesn't like which one you chose they can take it up with the court. Good luck

    ♥ Louren

  6. it varies from states

    but its 14 in GA

    good luck and hope this helps

  7. i dont know about washington state bu in north carolina youhave to be 12

  8. 13

  9. as far as court - 13

  10. 14?

  11. Different ages for different states.  Most all of them are around the 13 to 15 yr. old  age.  Possibly could be younger depending on the childs maturity.

  12. It vary's by state but normally around 13

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