
At what age can a dog have puppies?

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I have a Long-Haired Chihuahua (very small) and she is only 5 months old and I would like her to have puppies only once and I would like to know about when. Any answer helps THANKS!




  1. Your dog is going to be too young mentally to have a litter before she is 2 years old.  Though she will be able to get pregnant before that time, she should not be bred as her body is just not ready to take on raising a litter of puppies.  

    Before you breed her, you will need to have her checked out by a vet and you should also have her checked by someone who is knowledgeable in the breed to make sure that she does not have any severe faults or health problems which would be passed on to her puppies.  You will also need to have her AKC registration papers completed and have a copy of her pedigree (family tree).  

    Since Chihuahuas often have to have c-sections, be prepared to spend $1500 - 2000 for a emergency c-section if it is necessary.  You will also need to be with her 24/7 from the time that she goes into labor until the puppies are at least a week old.  This first week is a very delicate time for newborn puppies and it doesn't take much to stress them out.  Chihuahua puppies can easily become chilled, dehydrated and hypoglycemic, all of which can cause them to die within just a few hours.  Make sure that you have a vet who can be on call if you need help.

  2. She does not need to have puppies, it is better for her health not to anyway. There are way too many dogs and puppies that are homeless, neglected, abused to be making any more. Do your dog and the world a favor and please get her fixed.

  3. Max is WRONG.  She will probably have her first heat around 6 months, but NO dog should be bred earlier than 2 years old.  That would be equivalent of a 13-year-old having a baby.  Your dog won't be physically or mentally mature enough to have or care for puppies.

    Please read more about dog breeding before you even consider doing this.  There is SO much more to it than just putting a male and a female together.  The only ETHICAL reason for breeding is to better the breed -- if you're not doing that then you're just another backyard breeder.

    Besides all that, think about what is most important to you: your dog or her puppies?  Would it be worth it if she died during labor?  It's not uncommon for small dogs to have complications during pregnancy


  4. You shouldn't breed a dog (male or female) until they are at least 3 years old. You have to do genetic and health testing, show your dog to get the dog a championship. You should also have several thousand dollars to pay for the puppies and a possible c-section. You can't breed unless your dog is registered, purebred, and has a pedigree.

    You should be prepared for your dog and the puppies to die.

    You should get your dog spayed. Then you don't have to worry and have the 6 dog that die because you chose to breed a dog who would be better of spayed and living as a pet. Because you have to ask, you should not breed.  

  5. 2 years, no reason to just breed once. Better to spay her instead of playing around and having one litter for fun.

  6. Not at all any younger than 2 years old.

  7. you should never breed a dog on its first heat because it can actually kill her!! It wont always kill her it just can plus shes just a pup herself the first time she comes in its usually around 6 months. i have chihuahuas as well and i want to breed mine. she is one and a half and is on her third heat cycle. she didn't take the last time but she only weighs 3.5 lbs. eats all the time and no worms just won't gain weight.  you should always wait till at least the second heat  

  8. She can have puppies but it would be at a very bad risk she is much to young! She needs to be over two and you have to know what you are doing so she doesn't die having puppies. Read books and study..

  9. Your Chihuahua is around the age of having puppies I believe. I think they can have puppies at around 1 year old! You're almost there!

  10. Most dogs should be at least 2 years of age before breeding.  This allows them to grow to their adult size and causes less stress on their bones, etc.  

  11. you shouldnt breed a dog till its fully physically matured at the age of two to eliminate any birth complications.  

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