
At what age can i start working ??

by  |  earlier

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i just turned 15 and i live in california

what are some places that i could get jobs at??

what is the avarage that i will get paid??




  1. babysitting can helppp alot n i do it

    for at least 10 dollars an hr cuz im so experienced

    with a big family and babysitting jobs..

    maybe grocery stores will let you bag?

  2. You can start at 15 in California. But you can also work for yourself at any age and determine how much you want to be paid. Seriously, you write your own check. Watch the movie below to see what I am talking about....

  3. i think 16!

  4. 16 is the age you can start someplaces may pay you the minimum wage $8.00

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