
At what age can one be legally employed?

by  |  earlier

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I love to work, but I'm not sure if I'm legally allowed to yet, also any ideas on how I could get more babysitting customers.




  1. Well I was 14 when i was "Legally" working. But i helped teach special needs kids. Though i did get paid. If your in high school, you can get a workers permit, which gives more opportunities for work.

    And, if you want more babysitting customers, try getting certified. I took a class at my local library and I'm certified but i don't babysit. Lol. Also, make a sign with pull tabs at the bottom on the paper with your number on it. And on the top of the paper, write your babysitting offers. Ages, times, dates, who you are, how old are you, and how much you want to get paid. And post it in a library, food store, or other local markets, like parks. and post it on a bulletin board. A LOT of places have it.

    Good luck!


    (sorry if you didn't understand what i meant)

  2. usually its 16

  3. Depends on laws where ever you live - and the country you are in.

    Some countries it is State law, others Federal law

  4. In Canada you can be employed in a limited manner when you are eleven, but there are hours restrictions and others, such as serving alcohol.

  5. umm in canada it's 14, it changes state to state in the usa

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