
At what age can you develop dyslexia?

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Are you born with it? can you read fine as a child and then get it when you're in your teens? How does it work?




  1. Dyslexia is apparent when the task of putting sounds to the symbols of letters and words does not seem to happen in some children. There are 3 main types of dyslexia: dysphonetic (sound or auditory related), dysseidetic (visual perception based), and combination (both auditory and visual systems are interfering in the reading process.)

    There are some definite signs in young children--age 4-6. If taught to read with proven methods for dyslexics, the process of learning to read can be less stressful and easier. However, because all young children are developing and each develomental area progresses at different rates, kids are often given time to "fail" before interventions take place.

    Most dyslexics do not read fine as a child and then "get it" in their teens. Brain processing tendencies are also passed down genetically, so if someone in a family is diagnosed with dyslexia, families can often go back through relatives and identify several other relatives that had trouble learning to read, spell, write, or do other language-based tasks.

  2. Your born with it!!

    Although some parents claim their child develop it, its BS. You can get to a certain point in reading and cant go any further.... so a child can appear to be reading normally but really they found a way around the problem by jsut memorising things. Onc eyou get to a certain level past coping skills dont work.

  3. From the history of my family I would have to say that it's some-thing that you're born with.  I have it two of my three daughter's have it.  And with in the last three generations there are 15 or more people that we know have it.  All of us who had have dyslexia have also had problems with hand writing and learning how to put our words down on paper.  It's kind of strange that most of us have horrendous hand writing but can draw beautifully I'm not sure what the connection is.  But yes our family is definitely proof positive that it's genetic and that if follows from one generation to another unlike any other genetic abnormality that I've seen.  Learning disabilities are familiar.

  4. Dyslexia is a type of reading disability usually manifested as a difficulty with written language, particularly with reading and spelling. A person diagnosed with dyslexia is called a dyslexic; and a dyslexic by definition has adequate intelligence. Evidence suggests that it is a result of a difference in how the brain processes written and/or verbal language. It is separate and distinct from reading difficulties resulting from other causes, such as deficiencies in intelligence, non-neurological deficiency with vision or hearing, or from poor or inadequate reading instruction.

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