
At what age can you no longer make your child live with you?

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in NC can i use the law to make my 16 yr old son come home? and if i do wont he hate me?




  1. um.well he's sixteen, he isnt legally an adult yet, so you can make him stay home till he's eighteen if you want.

    i doubt he'll hate you, but he'll probably be irritated for awhile.

    just let him loose off some steam, and after awhile, he'll relax and let it go.just give him his space, and dont smother him, then he'll be good to go  

  2. you didnt include any details as to why he left. if you feel that he is in danger, then make him come home. legally he cant be on his own until hes 18.

  3. Yes, call the cops.  If he is with someone that is 18 or over they can be charged with kidnapping.  Your son will most likely hate you but if he left home it sounds like he already does.

  4. He legally has to live with you until hes 18. He may hate you for a while, but he will grow out of it, hes just a kid

  5. 17 in some states, but it is 18

  6. Unless he has been emancipated by the court he needs to stay with you until he is 18 or until you have made other arrangements.  

    He may be angry with you but if you sit him down and calmly explain the situation hopefully he will understand.

    It sounds like the two of you could benefit from counselling.  My mother and I went together when I was younger and it really helped.

    Good luck!

  7. You can call the cops and report him as a runaway.  Until he is 18 the courts will more than likely rule that he will need to live with a parent unless neither parent is deemed to be fit.

  8. Yes. It is age 18 when your child becomes a legal adult and does not have to live with you anymore if he doesn't want to.

    At 16, he might hate you, but that's because he feels like he's an adult already and should be given the same rights as an adult. In a few days, he should be over it. Trust me, I'm 16, and that's exactly how I would react.

  9. until age 18 if the courts deem it is in the child's best interest to live with you.  

  10. Yeah, they can bring him home. So what if he hates're responsible for him until he turns 18. If you can get arrested for your child not going to school, then you should be able to drag his spoiled *** home. Don't lose your son to the streets!

  11. yes your 16 year old son has to come home! until he is 18 you are in charge of him you are his mother, and you have to set boundary's you have to have control of him! i am a teenager, and i dont know why i am saying this but you have to show him that until he is legal he is your responsibility, and he has to listen, to you, and yes he will hate you, but in the long run he will thank you, but trust me on this have the cops bring him home, ground him, show him that you are the one in charge, and that he cant walk all over you, if he was able to just move out like that then you have to be stronger as a parent, i would never just up and leave my mom has proven to me that she has control over me until i am 18, you have to be way stronger and more strict, he could be getting into serious trouble, and trust me it would be way more painful to see him totally ruin himself then to know where he is and have him home with you just knowing that for now he doesnt like you, but give it time and you guys can re build your relationship. but you have to make him come home, dont beg him though, you have to tell him either he comes home on his own, and accepts responsibility, and the punishment for his actions, or you can bring the law into it, give him the choice but as a mother he is your responsibility, and you have to make him come home, be a stronger parent trust me i am a teenager i know this. its very important trust me

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