
At what age can you tell if chickens are hens or roosters? (Barred Rock Plymouth)?

by  |  earlier

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They are a few (5?) months old and so far look completely alike (size, growth of comb, etc.)

If hens when do they start laying?




  1. in vent-sexing,  you can usually check to see if a day-old chick is male or female. hens usually achieve sexual maturity at 6 weeks.

  2. As soon as they dry off after hatching.  Look at the little feathers along the ends of their wings.  If the feathers are all the same length, they are male.  If the feathers are some short, some long, they are hens.

  3. about 6 months old

  4. They should start laying at about 6 months.  I would think if you can't tell the difference by 5 months old that you have all females.

  5. I agree w/ John , they all sound like hens.

    To get them to lay eggs, start feeding them "laying pellets"... they may not lay w/ out being on  laying feed. They are old enough now to start laying. (4.5-5 months old)

    You don't need a rooster for them to lay eggs. Roosters usually become aggressive to you anyway.

    good luck!

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