
At what age can you tie your own shoe?

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me 4 or 5




  1. 4....

  2. malulah.......I only know how to tie my own shoes when I was in Form 1 because I don't like to wear (kasut bertali).It's hard to wear it ,but now it's easy to wear and tie my shoes by myself.

  3. Cant exactly remember how old I was  but I think, the moment I started wearing shoes, I tied  it  myself.

  4. 7..!


  5. age 6

  6. darjah satu

  7. form 1 because i am a ''pengawas''.....XD

  8. i was a gifted child. i learned fixing tie of own my shoe at 3 year old.

  9. standard one :)

  10. Primary school

  11. mr krab got 6 legs so it takes forever to tie my shoes

  12. standard 4...

    i think....

  13. until i highschool form 1.. becoz in primary skool i wear shoes with no lace i use the thing that can stick... but suddenly my dad bought me shoes that i have to tie myself then i learn how to.. it was hard...

  14. i think it was around 8 or 9

  15. 8

  16. 7 i think, before that, got no chance to wear a lace-tying shoe..

  17. 7

  18. I believe it was before 7.

  19. I could tie at 7 but in school, I didn't practise it till I was 10. Coz I made my friends tie for me (at least check my shoe lace) whenever they bow to me... har har har!

  20. i cant remember, all i know when i was in primary school

  21. 1 thing that i remember untill now is 'my little girlfriend' teach me how to tie it...eeee

    (b4 dis my mum do it)

  22. 6

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