
At what age did you become aware of your family's financial situation?

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At what age did you become aware of your family's financial situation?




  1. about 10 or 11.

    i was mature enough then.

    and i could understand that we really had to save our money.


  2. at the  beginning of teenage. worked hard for making money for my studies in school

  3. Yes, same, at around age 10-12 years I became really aware of family's financial situation.

  4. Around 10 I started to take closer notice of the different sizes of people's houses compared to our own.

  5. I knew as soon as I knew who I was that we were poor and that my dad drank and that our family was not as good as others were.  

    Sad, huh!  

  6. I think it was around age 10.


  7. To be honest it never really occurred to me.

    We lived in a one bedroom cottage, no lighting other than gas lamps, no running water but believe it or not we were a very happy family and I was never aware of what we had or didn't have.

    I think the introduction of tv has made people more conscious of theirs and others way of life.

  8. In Junior High School when they needed our paper route money to pay the house payment.

  9. when i was 9 and my parents told us not to expect anything for christmas. funny thing was us kids then did everything that we could to make that christmas special. making gifts and stuff. it wasn't until i was 11 and started junior high when it started to make a difference and was ashamed of it. it was also when extra curricular activities came to play and i wasn't able to participate because of money. that made me really take notice that we were different.

  10. I was about 12 - starting secondary school.  I  became conscious of my social surroundings and material goods.  I realised that I did not have as much as others and that I came from a deprived area.  Until attending secondary school I was not aware of this.

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