
At what age did you decide you already had enough friends?

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I've heard stories about how it's harder to make friends now that we're older. After high school and especially college, when you've already found your "friends for life", don't you find that you unconciously shut others out? You might not be reach out to them as much as you would've when you were younger, or you're not as willinging to try and form bonds?

Is it true for you? Please be honest. It can't hurt.




  1. well you can never have enough friends because well thats how life is but its harder to make friends when your older because you figure out that friends come and go and your more busy and you dont have time for friends so yea but i think you never have to many friends but that my opion you have yours follow the one you think is right. -jEWELLE

  2. You can't stop having friends.

    but I'm 13 right now and i have tons of friends.

    BUT, only 5 of them are really close to me.

  3. 21. I keep close friends now. Don't like too many people around me.

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