
At what age did you mommy's start giving your toddler reg cups with no lids?

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How did you know they were ready for a cup?




  1. my son was about 11 months.

    he went straight from bottle to open top cup.

    the bottle was too slow for the drink to come out

    he refused to use a sippy. we tried loads of different ones

    when he got to nearly 3, he got the hang of the sippy. he still has one if we are on a long car trip.  

  2. my daughter has just gone 2 and although she can drink out of normal cup it can be pretty messy, as she likes to wander round with it, so i usually give her a sippy cup.

  3. By age 3, all my children were using regular cups. It was messy in the beginning, but they soon were able to do it themselves. Its all about practice and teaching them how to hold the cup without spilling it. When they did spill, they were responsible for cleaning it up.

  4. My 16 month old has wanted to drink out of regular cups for a couple of months, but we don't often let him.  He doesn't have the ability to think enough ahead to avoid spilling what's in it, so when he does get one it has very little liquid in it, and always water.  How did I know he was ready?  Because he started to grab any stray cup and drink from it.  

    For us, drinking from a cup isn't something that we do often.  We drink mostly water from our water bottles, so I'm not really all that excited to get my son to drink from an open cup.

  5. my son was 3 my daughter was 15 months, it depends on the child. If they can manage it, great, if not it really doesn't matter how long they use it. I think most 2-3 year olds can stop using one, but you have to give them a few inches only, so they are less likely to spill it and get upset.  

  6. At 2 or so at the high chair, but he used a sippy until he was like 3 1/2 for around the house.  

  7. between 2 and 3, but only when I had the time and energy to clean up a mess.

  8. i never give my son a cup without a lid, it's either a sippy cup or a cup with a lid and straw. I think it's best that way, you can get yourself into a messy sitiuation otherwise.  

  9. My daughter is 23 months old and I give her sippy cups and cups without lids. Sometimes there is no mess sometimes there is little mess and sometimes there is a big mess. She cleans up her own mess. Well she tries and I go behind her but she is learning 1 lesson or the other. 1. To drink out a cup without spilling or 2. How to clean your mess when you make a mess.  

  10. By age 2, they used cups with lids and straws or a sippy without a leak-stopper.

    By age 3, they were using cups with lids and straws in the car and normal cups everywhere else.

    My four year olds still use cups with lids and straws in the car, unless it's water, just in case.

    At age 2, they could use a normal cup, but spilled sometimes. We gave them normal cups sometimes.

    To start them on a cup with no lid, practice with water.

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