
At what age did you put your baby in their own room?

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My Daughter is 3 months old and sleeps in our room in her cot/crib (as well as in our bed when the night feeds turn into day feeds) and I wondered at what age you all put your baby into their own room/nursery? I ask because I am convinced that I disturb her as much as she disturbs me (not from waking up to eat but by wriggling and talking in her sleep etc) and I'm certain that I get up to her more than I need to as I know that she would just change positions and go back to sleep if I didn't react so quickly.

Anyway, I know I'm not alone on this matter so tell me....when did you get your bedroom back?




  1. My baby girl was 6 months when she slept in her crib in her own room for the first time. Up until then I had her either in the bed with me or in a bassinet. She's going to be 1 in 10 days! Time goes by so fast! Cherish every moment of it!

  2. The day she was born.

  3. My 3 went straight into there own rooms. Babies often wake during the night and put themselves back to sleep, not to mention all the noises and snuffles they make. If your baby needs you, you'll know about it!

  4. My son was 2 because we lived with my parents and didn't have much choice. As soon as we moved we had him in our room for 3 nights then he went in his own room and never looked back. Health organizations recommend you share a room for at least 6 months.  

  5. I am planning on having my son sleep with me in my room (in his bassenette) for the first 3 months, then he will be sleeping in his crib in his room.   I am just paranoid about SIDS and I hear the first 3 months is the most common for that to happen.

  6. My first child went into his own room at about 3 months ... my second went straight into his own room the first night home from hospital.

  7. Were planning on putting her there at about 2 years i'll let her fall asleep in there but i'll end up bringing her into our room when me and hubby go to bed that way i know she is safe. She is 9 months now and sleeps in a crib next to our bed.

  8. my 1st, not until he was a year... with my second he's 5 months old and still sleeping in our room... Hopefully he'll be in his own bed in no time, I'm exhausted!!

  9. i put timothy in his own room at 3 months, found he slept better as well as us

  10. Mine was with me til she was 3 years lol thats overboard she should have been in her room before 1 though. With this one me and my hubby think til he is about a year then i would feel ok about it. Im parinoid Sids doesnt stop at 1 year anymore it can happen til 4 years of age sooo i was freaked My daughter is 5 now and sleeps in her room

  11. We put my daughter in her own room the day we came home from the hospital.  It's right across the hall so I can hear if she cries but it's not so close that I wake up at every snort and whimper.  She slept through the night at four weeks old, is now 11 months old and happy as a clam!  Sorry to brag!

  12. My daughter was 9 weeks early and is tech 3 mo old yesterday 1 mo adjusted age (from her due date) We started putting her in her own room last week, BUT we have a babysenseV and sound moniter and put her in there because she is such a light sleeper that even the spring squeak of our bed wakes her.

  13. As soon as she was sleeping through the night i put her in her own room, so she went in her own room at about 9 weeks old. I felt it was easier to room with her when i was getting up to her for feeds. saves trecking through the house al night to get to bubs

  14. My baby will be 7 months next week and I am getting her room ready for when she gets to 8 months. I think the best time is round 4-6 months. My mom was telling me that the was the best time to go ahead and get the baby use to having its own room. So the baby wont be disturbed by being in your bed. And with the baby having its own room noises wont wake the baby up.

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