
At what age did you realize that life is tough and you actually started to listen to your parents again?

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Most teenagers feel they have all the answers but after beating your head against the wall, what age did you start listening to them again.

For me it was about age 23.




  1. I realised it when I had my first child at age 27.  My parents had always told me that it was incredibly hard to raise a child, and not something I should contemplate doing on my own.  And I realised how right they were.

  2. I would say around 25.  

  3. 15

  4. Around 16 (had to grow up rather quickly) and then again around 20

  5. When I moved out of my grandmothers house at 19.

    Jobs, bills, food, money, stress, etc.

    That's when the real world hit me and that's when I realized "hey maybe the old woman is smarter than she looks."

  6. 19-20 im 20 now...  

  7. Never.  And I was right all along.

    You never met either of my parents,

  8. at age 25 i said hey dad hey mom, you guys rock. i know nothing compared to you.

  9. I'd say 20.

  10. I was 20 and married .

  11. When I moved away to college at the age of 18.  

  12. 13 when my parents got deported....both are only child's... so am i.............

  13. lol, the older I got, the smarter they got. ( in some things ). I would say in my mid 20's I realized they had some knowledge that was worth listening to. Unfortunately, I thought I knew it all when I was a teen.

  14. yeah I'm gonna agree with the first person. Give me a few years and I'll take their advise, for now, I'm 16 and livin' it up :]

  15. Three days before my 13th birthday.

    Four days before my 13th birthday, my mother died.

  16. Give me a few years...

  17. About 17, after a few semi-major s***w-ups.

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