
At what age did you start potty training your daughter?

by  |  earlier

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and how?




  1. I still haven't.  I'm going to wait until she's 18 and have her husband do it.

  2. I have been thinking about starting my daughter (18 months) soon, but she shows no interest.  She doesn't express to me when she goes, and I can't tell her "cues"   I have tried changing her diaper right before a nap and she always wakes up wet.

    I think I am going to wait a few more months, she doesn't seem ready or interested yet...and I have no idea how to go about it : )

  3. We started seriously potty training our daughter at 2yrs. And she was fully trained day and night in 1 1/2 mos. She started showing interest about 18mos. We also went straight to panties, training pants kind of defeated the purpose cause she knew she could go in those and not get in trouble.

  4. My 11 year old was 18 months, my 8 year old was 2 1/2 and my 5 year old was almost 4.  

  5. My daughter will be 3 in november and she has been potty trained since February of this year

  6. She was about 2-1/2.  She started staying dry all night, showing that she had bladder control and her dad, bless him, trained her while he was on vacation.  It took about 1 week and except for a handful of accidents, she was diaperless from then on.  

  7. i started potty training when she was interested, i always took her to the bathroom with me, so when she wanted to try, i let her.  I never made it a big deal.  If you force it, it will cause problems.  My oldest was trained before two (at about 20 months)  and the youngest wasnt trained until almost 4.  both girls.  it depends onthe child.  Did the same both times.  Let your child be the guide...

  8. You should start potty training at age 2. Whenever you go to the bathroom tell her (if your a boy) "Watch how Daddy goes potty." (If your a girl) "Watch how mommy goes potty." And when you're done, tell them to try it. Always praise them when they go in the potty but never get mad at them for going in their pants. Don't take them out of diapers until you know she's potty trained and when you are potty training her keep telling her she'll get big girl pants when she uses the potty and not her pants. Hope I helped!

  9. age 3 ,put on pull ups an keep askin if she had to use the b-room....poo caca or u go peepee.things like that:)


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