
At what age did you start taking your own bath/shower?

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I know a few kids who cannot shower/bath on their own as old as 10! How old should they start on their own? I believe 6... am i right?




  1. Six or so sounds appropriate, as long as you're nearby to keep an "ear" on things and check to make sure all areas are being washed properly and to give praise for doing well.

  2. I think I was around 4 or 5. But my Mom would always come in and check to make sure I was ok and she was always nearby.

    She wouldn't let me close the door either.

    It really depends on the person. Some might be 4 and some might be 8.

    Everyones different but I think that if a ten year old can't bathe themselves that's just lazy...

  3. My kids started with the baths on their own when they were about 3.  I was close by, checked on them and helped with the hair if needed.  By the time they were 5 they were doing the showers on their own.  All kids are different though.  My neice was 10 before she could shower without my sister helping with her hair.

  4. There's no certain age. Whenever you think your child is able to do a good job and most of all is SAFE, then he/she should def. do it by themselves.  I was able to wash myself at 4, but my mom had to wash my really long hair until I was around 10.  She knew if she didn't she'd be spending an hour afterwards getting all those knots out!

  5. I was four, but my mom wasn't a good mom.

    My older son started taking baths / showers alone when he was about six.  My younger son is seven, and he's been doing it or about a year.  I still have to remind him to get a towel.  LOL

    Six is about right, I think.

  6. I let my kids take their own showers when they were about 3.  I would turn the water on, let them hop in and be close enough to check on them, probably wash their hair if they needed help.  They never really took a bath on their own.   They're shower kids.

  7. you should never let a child under 5 be alone in the bath but you also need to figure in the childs matturity level.  some 7 years odl may not be ready

  8. There is no definitive age to follow. You are the best judge of your kid's abilities. So relax, not all things must be done by a certain time frame!

  9. My son is now 7 and he has been showering by himself for 2 or 3 years now.  I actually let me 2 year old daughter shower with him sometimes too.  We don't have a tub in our house, only a stand up shower, so my kids are learning early.  My youngest is 1 and bathes in our kitchen sink, it is an oversized sind, he just started showering with me.

  10. Bathing on my own, without any supervision? I was about 5yrs old. My 4yr old and 6 yr old are happy to bathe on their own, but I check on them every 5mins. My 2yr old is bathed with my supervision.

  11. Our kids started around 5. It freaked my first one out a bit at first. The water falling from so high made him nervous. So  we went to Target and got one of those suction cups shower nozel holders (for the shower hose nozel things), and lowered it. When adults are using the shower (his bath doubles as guest bath, they just put the shower head in the actual holder, and when kids are using it, the holder is suctioned at a good height for them.

  12. I was 7. My daughter wasn't able to take a shower/bath by herself until she was 8 because she has really long hair and had trouble washing it by herself. My boys were about 5-6 when they could shower by themselves. So it really does just depend. 10 seems old though.

  13. I believe I was around 6-ish when I started to shower on my own. I currently have 4 & 5 yr old daughters, they shower with my assistance.

  14. My oldest started "baths" alone around 5.  Then she started showering alone at age 6.  Of course, she is still not allowed to get in w/out an adult checking the temp (she' 7 now). Some kids might not be able to handle doing this until they are older..but all the other kids this age I know do it alone too.

  15. Me and my brothers were four or five, but there's no "set" age where you have to start bathing on your own.

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