
At what age did your children start teething??

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did they dribble alot while they were?




  1. My eldest daughter didn't cut her first tooth until she was 11 months old, and then she cut 6 in 2 weeks. Dribble!! oh yeah, and she got a really really bad nappy rash, it was like blistering and bleeding cause she was scolding herself.

    My other daughter, smiled at me one day when she was 4 months old and had 2 bottom teeth, I couldn't believe, no nappy rash, no dribble, no screaming nights.

    I used to give my eldest girl a cold wash cloth to chew on - it helped easy the pain for her and let mummy sleep!!

  2. My daughter didn't get a single tooth until she was 15 months old.  My son got his first tooth around 6 months.  Yes they drool a lot when teething.

  3. It all depends on the baby. The longer it takes them to teeth the strong their teeth are. My baby brothers just came in today and he is 9 months old. My first tooth came in between my first 4 - 6 months... It just depends on the baby. But, it is usually about 6 months.

  4. Emma really started teething at 8 months old.  Babies start drooling a lot around three or four months which is when they learn how to mouth things also.  I did not notice a lot more drool.  It tooks about two weeks before her teeth came in (top two).

  5. 10 mo.

  6. my daughter started teething at 3 months and my son at 6 months yes they both drooled every where but neither one had any pain nor did they burn fever. i had it really easy.

  7. my first bub was born with a tooth and started teething a couple of months later my 6th bub never got her first tooth until she was 16mths and never dribbled at all

  8. my son started teething at 6 months. he had very easy teething all that used to happen was he used to get fever for two days. i gave him homeopatthy medicines for teething which really helped him.

  9. My daughter got tooth buds at 11 weeks, but still hasn't cut her first tooth (17 weeks). She definitely drools a lot because of the teeth, and likes her gums rubbed a lot! Keep wiping off the chin so that it doesn't get all chapped. Also, you can probably see little white dots that are the toothbuds. Good luck!

  10. My son was 3 months old when he cut both teeth.

  11. oh ya children will droll alot while teething its also possible for them to get upset stomachs, diapor rashs --to the point of bleeding--- red/pink cheecks

    my youngest started teething at 4 months but didnt cut his first tooth till he was 8 months

  12. my daughter started teething around 4 months.  tons of drool.  first tooth finally popped at 10 months.

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