
At what age do Cats...?

by  |  earlier

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OK, so its about my male kitten, he is not yet a year old &there is somethin goin on with his tooth.

so my question is, at what age do cats start teething or start to lose there baby teeth?

or do they even lose there teeth?

please help me out, thanks :]]




  1. well, my step dad has a cat thats about 9 years old i think, and she lost one of her front teeth.

  2. Kittens lose their baby teeth and get their adults in from the time they are 3 months until they are 6 months. The back molars come in first and the canines (fangs) come in last.  Usually you don't see the teeth fall out because they get swallowed, but sometimes a loose tooth will get pulled out during playtime.

  3. they start teething at 11-30 weeks old

  4. Well if he is drooling out of his mouth then he might have a tooth infection, one of my cats had done that and she just had a sore tooth or gums or somethin liek that.. but he may just be geting a new tooth, cats do lose there teeth, but we never notice. If it seems like it bothers him real bad, get him checked, but if not just buy him toys to chew and maybe softer food for the time being til his tooth seems better

  5. No worries- cats teethe just like babies do. I am pretty sure it can happen anywhere between 3 and 8 months, maybe even later (some cats are late bloomers!) You'll notice them chewing alot and you may even see a little blood on what they're chewing on. I freaked when that happened, but I learned it's totally normal. Their teeth may get loose or just come out one day. The baby teeth get pushed out by the adult teeth that are coming down through the gums. I actually found one of my cats baby teeth on the floor and kept it. All is well with your kitty- but if you get concerned, just give the vet a call and they'll be happy to answer any questions.

  6. I think you best bet would be to take a trip over to your veteranarian and see what they have to say. Better safe than sorry, right? :)

  7. Yes, little kittens have baby teeth as we humans have. They loose them in about 4 to 6 months of age, but there can be variations. You can see this in the way the kitten tries to chew everything. Give him stuff to chew!  No electric cords please!

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