
At what age do Papillons become 100% fluffy?

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I was just wondering because i heard they go through a "bald" stage when they aren't fluffy at all as puppies, and mine's 4 months and isn't fluffy at all?




  1. Well depending on the family tree of your puppy, it may never become fluffy. my papillon, pete, was fluffy for as long as i can remember, except for probably the 1st week we had him. he was probably a little younger than yours, so i think there is a possibility of him/her getting fluffier. good luck, congrats on the dog, and i hope i helped!

  2. Perfectly normal, right now yours is in the awkward stage between the puppy coat and adult coat.  It can take up to 2-3 years for the adult coat to fully come in. By about 8 months, the dog should be looking more like a papillon.

    Here's what my dog looked at 4.5 months:

    And 8.5 months:

    And currently, at 1.5 years old:


  3. Papillions aren't really fluffy anyway.  Are you maybe talking about poms?  They are very fluffy as puppies and then go through what we call their puppy uglies.  Usually around 6 months or so they start to loose their puppy fluff before they really start growing their adult fur.  They look very ratty and ugly for a while till they are about a year old.  But I have never heard of this with paps.  Usually paps have long silky hair with no undercoat (fluff).

  4. A lot depends on the bloodline.  Breeding makes a big difference, a lot of poorly bred papillons and pet store dogs I know never grew a long coat.

    Even then, at 4.5 months, they go through the uglies and can look really.... awkward.  Give it time and try to estimate based on the parents- that should give you a good idea.

    Though I have to say I have one pap with a relatively short coat despite being well bred (she never could show because of it) and her coat is SO much easier to groom and care for.

    Compare to our show dog:

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