
At what age do can you pull your f******n all the way?

by  |  earlier

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mine looks attached..but younger then 15




  1. It will pull back a little bit at a time, just be patient.  work it back and you will see as you keep pulling back it will go further and further.  It is easier when erect, of course.


  2. The Prepuce (f******n) doesn not start to detach from the Glans (Head) Untill around 4 or 5 years of age, this is general but does hapen younger.

    This age is when it starts to become two seperate intities in them selfs.  But full retraction of the f******n only becomes possible with "practice" i.e you have to coax it back a little at a time..

    I would suggest doing this in a warm bath or shower.. Do not force it!! or you may cause some damage...

    If however you are unable to fully retract the f******n after several attempts while Flacid!  I would go see your GP, it could be you have a "tight" f******n or a short "banjo string" the fleshy bit on the underside that conects the f******n to the head.

  3. It can take until well into puberty so don't worry. If you try and pull it back a little bit gently every day it should retract fully after a while.


  4. uuhm around 12-14 cause as you age it becomes less sensitive, but still sensitive

  5. I could pull mine back since before the age of 10, but its normal for it not to be able to fully retract until puberty. If you can't pull your back then its probably just a little tight.

    A tight f******n is surprisingly common and can usually be self-treated at home in private.

    It involves stretching exercises (ideally in the bath/shower) to make it easier to pull back. Be patient, because it must be stretched daily over several weeks, but it will be worth it in the end!

    The below websites have some good advice:

  6. i nibbled off all my f******n when i got hungary

  7. Retracting the f******n takes practice. It is difficult at first but after several attempts, it becomes easier. This could be done even among newborns but we dont do it as a practice because theres nbo need for it, right? Its usually when the male starts "playing" with it that retraction becomes possible. What im saying is, theres no age. Ive seen patients as young as 5 years who can retract it.  Just dont force it. Especially if the skin opening is quite tight -- a condition we call phimosis.  It might lead to a condition called paraphimosis wherein it causes strangulation of the glans p***s.  

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