
At what age do children, begin to scream less at their parents?

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I'm just wondering in hopes that that age can't come too soon. My son has lately began screaming at me every time I tell him no, now he has always done that, but it seems like he's gotten louder and longer about it, and it's like he can tell that I can't really do anything about it. I mean even children it seems at the age of two realize that they have freedom of speech often resulting in a blood curdling scream upon hearing the word "no". I have tried everything too, I have tried sending him to his room, putting him in his crib, time outs but he continues to do it, I'm afraid time out will be ineffective for him before too long because it seems like I am always putting him there. What other options do I have? I thought about taking him to the pediatrician to have his ears checked thinking maybe he has blockage, and ear affection, or may be flat out deaf in one ear. Anyone have any ideas how to teach you child at the age of two not to scream?




  1. I would say at about 6 years old, I am 15 years old and I never scream at my parents. I would suggest showing them other kids that dont scream at their parents, and I am assuming your kid is a toddler, and it is natural for kids to scream at that age, my sister also sometimes screams and she is almost two years old.

    kids are very likely to learn from other kids more than their parents, that is why children of immigrants always end up with an american accent even though their parents have a foreign accent. Just show him how other kids act and he will think that is normal.

  2. they stop doing it as soon as they come to realize you won't tolderate it.

  3. When you start to discipline them for screaming at you! Children have no right screaming at anyone. It's called teaching them respect

  4. They usually stop it when they are 19-21 years old ... Coz thts the time they realise it and thts the age i've realised their Efforts too .... !!!

  5. time out will not become ineffective, consistency is what is needed here. He just sounds like a typical 2 yr old and a bit strong willed. You have to be consistant every time if you have put him in time out 25 times get up that 26th time and act eventually it will sink it. We had to really crack down on my daughter at 4 she had gotten out of hand, and honestly it took 2 to 3 solid months, it seemed she lived in the corner and in her bed and it was so hard, but eventually it sank in and she stopped and we were all a lot happier. I can tell you with a strong willed child, the moment you back off you set yourself back a mile. Be consistant regardless of how many times he has been there that day.

    The corner was very effective with her, much more than time out. She HATED it, try that. And I did hold her there at times not squishing her, just not allowing her to leave and there were many times I was crying along with her I was so frustrated. She also hated naps, if she did not listen it was nap time and most often she would wake up and we would have no more problems for that day at least.

    Just be sure if he is always in trouble for a while you make sure to snuggle and tell him how much you love him at bedtime and be sure to praise when he does show restraint with his yelling. I would tell her "I do not like the way you are acting but I will ALWAYS love you".

    I also told her take a deep breath and say it dont scream it, or have her go scream in her pillow and then come and talk to me. He just needs to learn ways to cope with his anger but at the same time not get away with screaming at you.

    Good luck it gets harder the longer you allow it.

  6. 20

  7. He's two, it's normal. Try ignoring the screaming when you can and just walk away. He loves the attention he gets from it. Dont stress, we all go through it x x x

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