I'm just wondering in hopes that that age can't come too soon. My son has lately began screaming at me every time I tell him no, now he has always done that, but it seems like he's gotten louder and longer about it, and it's like he can tell that I can't really do anything about it. I mean even children it seems at the age of two realize that they have freedom of speech often resulting in a blood curdling scream upon hearing the word "no". I have tried everything too, I have tried sending him to his room, putting him in his crib, time outs but he continues to do it, I'm afraid time out will be ineffective for him before too long because it seems like I am always putting him there. What other options do I have? I thought about taking him to the pediatrician to have his ears checked thinking maybe he has blockage, and ear affection, or may be flat out deaf in one ear. Anyone have any ideas how to teach you child at the age of two not to scream?