
At what age do children in the UK start their education?

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And what are the costs of pre-school and primary school education if any?




  1. Children start school at four years.

    I believe this is a very good time to start. The child's brain grows very quickly till the age of seven. They are like sponges in the early years so its crucial they are stimulated properly and learn the beginnings of maths and language st this age.

  2. 4-5 yrs old is when they start primary education (dependant on which month they were born). If they are British citizens then it is free.

    Play school usually charges (quite a small fee)

    Nursery school is free

  3. Children start full time school the september after they are four. They are also entitled to nursery vouchers the term after  they are three. These can be used to send a child to a school nursery for two and a half hours five days a week, term time only. They can also be used at many private nurseries to fund all or part of a placement there. Schooling and vouchers are free. You can pay for extra childcare hours.

  4. Some state nurseries will let your child start at the age of 3 1/2 yrs. (free of course). Usually part-time & then full-time when they're about 4, depending on when in the year they have their birthday.

  5. Pre-School education such as nursery, playgroup or preschool can be at whatever age the setting set-usually around 2.6 years-they have to pay hourly somewhere around £5-7. Then the term AFTER their 3rd birthday the child is funded (Free) by the government for 2.5hrs a day 5 sessions a week. They then go into main school the term of their 5th birthday which is all day and free.

    If you send your child to private day nurseries where you get all day care it will be more expensive as it is a priavte arrangment. But that can be any age from baby upwards usually.

  6. In the UK children can start privet nursery at any age and the cost varies but formal education starts soon after their 3rd birthday at council run nursery (pre School) which is free, in some cases you need to pay for there snack. Schooling starts between 4 and 5 depending what month of the year their birthday falls on and again is free but you pay for Milk and lunch.

  7. children `usually start the term they are 4 years old.

    the term after your child is three you are entitled to free pre school place for 2 1/2hours  a day for a maximum of 5 days (or tho this may have changed in the last 12 months since i have left childcare to have my son)

    if you arent entitled to free childcare or you want longer hours etc the prices vary a lot depending on where you live from £2 to £4 an hour. The age of your child will alter the price too as babies generally cost more because they need to have a higher staff ratio. (3 children to one staff)

    primary education is free in state schools , you only pay if you want to go private and the cost will again vary if you can get assistance or scholarships.

  8. In Scotland children must start school by the August after their 5th birthday, usually it is between 4.5 years and 5.5 years.

    Children born March to August usually start the August of their 5th birthday.  September to February, the August before.

  9. same as here

  10. 4 or 5

  11. well a child starts learning from the moment that they are born really. Within the uk their are nurseries that take children from 3 months to 4/5 years, these nurseries cost about £27.00 per session but this is dependent on the parents wages as they may have help towards the cost of childcare, all children from around three years can get state funding, children usually begin primary school at around 4/5 yrs dependent on when their birthday is and this is free, hope this helps you!

  12. Children start full time school here when they are 4, and there are no costs throughout their whole school life, which is up to 16

  13. In between four and five although earlier if they go to nursery school

  14. Children usually start school during the term that they turn five years and this would be all day.  Children can also start school from age four but would only attend for half a day five days a week.  They would be in the pre-school section of the school.  Some schools also have nursery classes which can take children from 31/2 but again only for half days.  Children are funded for sessions (up to 3 hours) each day for five days a week, whether in school, pre-school or nursery from age 3.  Some children from poorer backgrounds can get funding from age 2 years.   Compulsory school age is from 5 years to age 16 years, soon to be increased to 18 years.  This is all free.  Children do not have to go to school - but they must be educated - so can be educated at home.

  15. 4/5. Free until end of high school

  16. Thank you for asking this question. This was very interesting to me to learn about other countries.

  17. Aged 3 for half days at state nurseries attached to schools, which is free along with primary and secondary education. You do pay for private schools but if you are as lucky to get a school as wonderful as the one my kids go to then you don't need to go private.

  18. it all depends on when you want your child to start school - they usually start primary school/infants between 4 and 5 - although some private schools accept from 3...

    Pre-schools and nurserys usually accept children from 2-5

    Again Private nurserys accept children younger.

    Where I work we accept babies from 6months - 7 years

    Prices range depending on the level of care and your geographical location

    We charge £31 for a day or £20 for half a day - we are private hence the higher costs...

  19. Education in the UK is free, and funded by the government, if you go to a local school and not a private school.

  20. Children in England go to pre-school between the ages of 2 and 4, and there is usually a small fee per session for this, although you can get government funding to help with the costs. And if you send them to a private nursery then the cost is obviously more.

    School starts the September after their forth birthday, so they are generally 4/5 when they start school. (Birthday must be before August 31st to start school in that year). And all compulsory education in the UK is free. (4-16 years old).

    Hope that helps!!

  21. I started normal primary school at age 4 in the UK. In Australia it is age 6.

  22. Usually children in the UK start reception at 4/5. They can also attend a nursury which usually costs about £7400  a year [according to a daycare survery. there are many which cost less. So dont worry!] Nursury takes children on from about 3 up until 4/5. Primary School eucation is free as long as you choose a state school. If you choose a Private School then you will have to pay, often alot, for the education! When a child moves from primary to secondary they are required to take a test to be accepted to the school. There are also secondary private schools and there are grammar schools for the more achieving children. Grammar school is free. Then there are comphrehesive or state schools whicha re open for all and are less selective.

    Hope I have helped!

  23. Children can start their education at the age of 3 they can have a nursery place for free which is either 5 mornings from about 9 - 11:30 or afternoons from about 1:30 - 3 ish ask your health for a list of local places your child can go or try asking sure start if you get that in your area. Hope I helped

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