
At what age do females stop growing??

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I'm 5'2 & 14. I want to be 5'8 and my dad is tall hes 6'3. do i have a chance?

I heard that females stop growing 2 years after there period. than also right after there period. than also at age 15. than at age 18 than even at 21.

please answer not rudely. im confused since i looked it up on google and got thousands of diff answers.




  1. tall....hmm....not such a good idea for me....i think guys enjoy gurls who arent that tall....(not saying that 5'2 is tall, its that u wanna grow even taller)

  2. OMG u want to be 5 8 im twelve and already 5 6 i think u will prob grow another 2 or 3 inches

  3. Everybody is different, but you probably won't grow another 6 inches if you are already 14 - sorry to burst your bubble - but I guess you never know.  I stopped growing when I was about 15.

  4. Hard to say. My mom told me that her last few inches got added on in her early twenties. My mom was kind of a late bloomer, though. She got her period at 15.

  5. you still have a chance of growing, girls usually grow for about 5 years after they get their first period. you'll most likely grow till your 18-20

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