
At what age do girls stop growing?

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well i love volleyball and ima freshman..but im only 5 ft 5 in..maybe 6 ..and i wanna know at wut age ima stop growing bcuz a lil more inches willl make me better....ima middle hitter..and strongest hitter of our team..even tho theres like this girl dat is 6 ft..and i can hit better lol




  1. Girls generally stop growing between 14 and 18.

    Boys generally stop growing between 16 and 21 though they may continue to broaden in the shoulders after this.

  2. everyone's different. on average 18.. just i stopped when i was about 14 when i stopped

  3. You will grow as long as you love volleyball, and work hard jumping for the ball.

    I "stopped" growing in high school, but added an inch in the college.

    Your doctor should be able to predict more accurately regarding how much more you can grow. I know something about girls as I used to coach a girl's team in college, but I don't want to brag over the internet (let's leave it to the expert).

  4. i'm not sure but if u drink milk and get lots of rest i think u'll grow taller. i no my answer is kinda dumb...

  5. go to a doctor they can check your growth plates and let you know approx about how tall you will be, I had a friend who quit growing after 8th grade.....

  6. generally, around the time of their first period.

  7. Theres no way to know.. YOu have 6 ft tall people from two parents who are both under 5'6" can get 5'5 people from parents over 6 ft.... theres no way to know. Growth plates can only give an approximation of POTENTIAL height. Alot of factors effect it, health, calcium intake, genetic issues, heredity. blah blah blah. Eat right, Try to Have good Posture (no slouching), And you could get a growth spurt. but you sound good now, so be happy with what you got.Im 5'10" and reached this height in 11th grade, i was by FAR the biggest girl in my Class and that wasnt any fun, so be careful what you wish for.

  8. it's different for mom stopped growing in the sixth grade and one of her friends stopped when they were seniors in high school.  if you really want to know ask your doctor they'll probably give you a clue. but if your a freshman in high school your not going to gow that much longer.

  9. i think we stop at 18

  10. wel then u don't have to grow u r good enough already!

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