
At what age do i turn my childs car seat to the forward postion?

by  |  earlier

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as i cant find the instructions for my BRITAX Si-Pro and i cant find info on there site

thanks all




  1. It is usually around 9 months, but it depends on the baby's weight. Try having a look on mothercare's website they usually have information like that.

  2. depends on the size of your kid but roughly 9 months

  3. its usually 6 to 9 months when u change it to forward facing , but with my daughter it was 4 months because she was so long. there are forward facing seats u can use from birth aswell but it really depends on the childs weight about 9kg is wen u really need to change it.

  4. You're probably better off giving your child up for adoption at this point and avoid driving period.

  5. Since I dont know where you live, try using this site it is very helpful...........

  6. The bare minimum for forward facing is 1 year AND 20lbs, but...

    The recommendation from safety experts and the American Academy of Pediatrics is to rearface (RF) to the limits of the seat which is 30-35lbs on all seats sold in the US. My 3 year old daughter still rides RF and prefers it over FF.  

    I have included several links with great pictures and videos of what happens to children’s necks when they are FF in a crash.

    Most people are concerned about their child's legs being scrunched or broken in a crash. There is absolutely no evidence that shows a child's legs are in danger and I would much rather deal with a broken leg, than a broken neck.

  7. 1 years old

  8. i found this for you

    i hope it helps

    good luck

  9. 1 y/o is the standard. you can go by the weight also, anything above 22 lbs

  10. I Tthink you should be able to manage it now, i mean , how old are you ?

  11. I'm not 100% sure with that particular brand, but with most of the rear facing car seats, you can turn them around once the baby is 9kg in weight, it's not actually done by age.

    I hope that helps xx

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