
At what age do male dogs begin to lift up their leg to pee?

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i have a golden retriever who is about to turn a year old on Aug. 24... he still hasn't lifted his leg. is there something wrong with him?




  1. Leg lifting is a learned behavior, not an instinct.  If he isn't around many dogs who lift their leg, then he may never really lift his leg.  Larger dogs also seem less likely to lift (and less likely to lift as impressively high) than smaller dogs.  If your dog never lifts his leg, that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with him, it's just the way he pees.  My almost 3 year old male german shepherd barely lifts his leg and many times he doesn't even lift it a little.

  2. if you are lucky he won't start this. i have a male dog who is 11 and he NEVER lifted his leg. i also have a 3 year old dog and he always does. needless to say that the 3 year old had a lot more problems with marking than the 11 year old did.

  3. my westie is five and just started lifting his leg. theres nothing wrong i promise.  

  4. he can start at any time!

    mine used to pee like a girl dog al the time but now he lifts up his leg!

    dont worry about him ill assure you hes alriight

  5. Neutered pets sometimes never lift their legs. Intact males begin to lift their legs between 8 months and 24 months. Every dog is different, smaller dogs are more likely to start lifting their leg at younger ages.

    You might also notice that your pet will not hike his leg in the yard since lifting of the leg usually involves "marking". If he never leaves the yard, this could be why you're not seeing him lift his leg.  

  6. If you had him castrated before he was mature, i.e. before his testes descended, then he will always squat like a puppy.

  7. i have never seen a male dog that does not lift his leg and if he doesnt he is in the minority (not normal) with my first dog i wanted so badly for him to do it and finally almost at eleven months of age he did. then i had more male dogs and they learned from him to do it very early on like three months the other took a little longer about four months. basically if he sees other dogs doing it they will learn quicker.  it is normal for male dogs to do this just make sure he doesnt do it on your couch i taught mine well and they never go in the house (unless he is pissed off about something and then he will just to spite me)  

  8. My mom's dog started when he was 1

    (my dad got my mom a Pug for her birthday when he was 4 months and now he is 6 years)

  9. There isn't really an age, and some dogs never do. It's more like a personality trait.

  10. not all males lift to pee.  Many of them dont learn until they notice other males doing it.  If your dog was neutered, he's less likely to lift.

    There's nothing wrong with him..  be glad he doesnt lift his leg!  Alot of males that lift to pee will also start marking behavouirs as well!  

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