
At what age do most women want to have children?

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I'm asking because I'm 21 and the last few years I've felt like I would like to have a baby - I started to feel like this when I got together with my boyfreind (we have been together 2 and 1/2 years).

Is it normal to feel like this at my age?

Most people seem to say you should wait till you are older which I will probably do because of lack of money/student debt, but is it really so bad to have children young?

When do people wish they had had children?




  1. i dont think its  bad to have kids young at all. As long as you can love and support them and have good finance age should not matter.

    I may only be 18 but i live with my OH in a house we bought together, and we both work fulltime making approx £25,000 a year. So yes im young, but im certainly able to brng up this child :)

    If you want it,go for it...

    the way i see it is...what 4 year old wants to have an old mother, i'd mych prefer my child to say my mammy is 23 and my daddy is 25 when he/she starts school than, my parents are 47.


  2. I wanted kids starting from 16 years old. I waited until I was 24 though:)

  3. It's not bad to want to have a baby at your age.  You are in a stable relationship.  But like you said, you are not financially stable.  Although most people aren't.

    I got pregnant with my first son when I was 25.  I am 27 and pg with baby #2

  4. I NEVER wanted kids until I was 25, then I was just hit with the baby bug and my clock started tickin' away! haha We've now been TTC for 2.5 years. Never would have thought it was going to take this long. Now I look back and wish I had wanted to start trying earlier. I really hope I get to have my first baby before 30...

  5. I got married when I was 21 I am now 24 - had my baby at 23 and loving my life!!! My husband is in Iraq right now which isnt fun but we have a great marriage and yes I guess would be the answer ?? Just depends - my friends are all single w/ no kids - but none of them are in a relationship either... hmmm

  6. I think during your 20's and 30's are the most common.

  7. There seems to be this newer idea of waiting to make your first million before you have kids.  People are starting to have children later in life, but to their surprise, nature doesn't always work the way they planned.  They're too old and they don't have the energy to keep up with their kids (when and if they can actually still physically have them).  Then you have the large generation gap and  In my opinion, many many spoiled kids who get, materially, everything they ask for.  

    I never had the baby bug.  I became pregnant at 19, 6 months after getting married.  We didn't have a lot of extra money, but we have never starved or gone without.  Now, at 28, I have three wonderful children and we do alright financially. I'm able to stay at home with them and I feel like we have grown together.  My kids have someone who likes to play with them.  And best of all, I'll only be in my early 40's by the time my youngest is 18!!

  8. I had my first child at 20.  He's now 16 and my best buddy.  He thinks it's cool that he is getting a new baby brother AND sister since I am pregnant with twins at 37.  I also had kids at age 25, 29 and 33- no regrets with any of them.  The only thing is, I did enjoy it more in my 30's than my 20's.

  9. I'm 18 and when I was 17 (even tho i have a son) thats when the "AWW I WANT A BABY!!!!" i think its like many girls start at 17...and then work thier way up idky maybe hormones

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