
At what age do you enroll your kids into preschool?

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My son is turning 2 next month, and recently i have heard some talk about pre school starts at 3. I am like OMG! thats only like a year away! He doesnt talk, well he talks we just dont understand him. he babbles. he isnt potty trained what am i gonna do. He has a lot to learn in a year. my poor baby if the 3 year old thing is true than the pressure is ON! I remember the age bein like 4, ughhhh. please help




  1. It's typically 3 and 4. The earlier you get your child into preschool I personally think is better for their social skills.

    If he's not even two yet give him a break and don't stress too much. They really do mature fast at 2-3.

    If it continues to be a problem...

    To get your son talking, try playdates with kids his age that are talking their mouths off. A little encouragment to ' use his words.'

    They've got plenty of trainers out there to help with the potty training and honestly, not many children are potty trained by 2.

    I think you're worrying like any normal mother does but I honestly don't think you have anything to worry about.

    They all mature at different rates and if he's not ready by 3, you'll know but don't worry because I'm sure he'll catch up.

  2. OUr daughter started just after her third birthday she was not very good with talking but it improved quickly when she was around other kids. He will be fine

  3. Fistly chill, he'll be ready before you know it. It's quite hard when you fell they're just babies. Yeah they start at 3 if you're in the UK, but it depends very much where you live. I'm in Ayrshire and we had to enrol the kids after their 2nd birthday, but a lot of places now have enrolment days for nursery schools. Best thing to do is go onto your local councils website, or to the school you wish them to attend (either in person or on the web), the information will be there.

    You're son sounds like he's doing fine for his age, and as for the potty training you'll know when he's ready, kids aren't normally fully potty trained til they're 2-3. But one thing I will say-enjoy him being a baby cos they grow up sooo fast once they start pre-school!

  4. 3 or 4 years old. If you feel that your child is mature enough at age 3 then enroll him then, if not enroll him at age 4.

  5. Mine started Play Group the year  of their 3rd Birthday, then went on to Preschool the following year (of their 4th Birthday).

    Then they start Kindergarten on the year of their 5th Birthday.

  6. I have had all 3 of my sons start at 2.  There are only a couple of preschools in our area that start at 2.  Have your son screened at early intervention.  He may qualify to start preschool in September its free.  My youngest is starting for free at Easter Seals 2 days a week, he is going to be 2.  My middle is going to his second year of preschool.  He will be 3 in Sept.  He is going 5 days a week.  3 days at the public free preschool, and 2 days privately.  I think for delayed kids the earlier the better.  It sounds like your son may have a speech delay.  The expectations in school is much different then when you went.  My oldest had 4 years of preschool before starting kindergarten.  When he got to kindergarten he knew all his colors, letters upper and lowercase, could spell and write his name, new his phone number and could write it, he knew the sounds of letters and was beginning to sound out words.  He could count to 50 with a 1:1 correspondance.  He was not ahead, in fact we had him repeat.  Now for 1st grade he is behind in math.  For 1st grade math they want them to carry adding, borrow subtracting, count by 2's, 5's, 10's, count money, tell time, do greater than less than, fractions, read graphs, do algebraic equations like 2+__=7, do patterns like abcdabcdab__, and more so I have been tutoring him all summer.

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