
At what age do you start losing hair from eating meat?

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I was reading in a medical journal about the negative side effects from eating meat and one of them was hair loss. Does anyone know at what age you start losing hair from eating meat. The medical journal said as early as 17 years old, which seems right, but I wanted to ask anyway. It did a study and it showed that going bald was a guaranteed side effect if a person eats meat.




  1. Are you serious???  It is more likely that if you are a vegetarian you would lose hair because of a lack of protein.  I deal with people that are vegetarians/vegans everyday and the biggest problem they face is hair loss because of a lack of the proper amounts of protein in their diet.

  2. Umm..I don't eat are asking this where most people who answer are vegetarians.

    Regarding hair hair has become thicker and fuller since becoming vegetarian.

  3. getting bald is genetic, not interlinked with eating meat or not

  4. Like other's have mentioned, we really need a link to the study to coment on it.

  5. I am serious when I ask, since you read up on the subject and are well educated... what is in meat and how does it interact with the bodies chemistry that causes hair loss? which types of meat are the worst and why? is it the amino acids? and if so, do amino acids from other sources also cause hair loss? what would a person do to ensure that they are getting essential amino acids while making an effort to preserve their hair, or is hair loss inevitable if a person wants to get complete proteins in their diet?

    Again, I'm completely serious, please enlighten me if you can.

  6. i never heard such nonsense. Look at Fred Flintstone....he has a full thick head of hair...and look at the meat he's eating. hahahaha.....losing your hair from eating meat>?????????

  7. where did you read it?  in a comic book!   that is 100% false, probably made up by some PETA kook.    I eat meat every day and I have all my hair at 47.  I have never heard this idiotic rumor before..... please be more educated than that

  8. Well... conventional wisdom says genetics has a lot more to with it than diet.  But it's interesting to think hair loss could be related to meat-eating.

    Do you have a link for the study?

    By the way, my brother has been a vegan for about 8 years and seems to have a receding hair line at the age of 23.

  9. Here's a Question for you, at what age has the vegetarian industry brainwashed you into thinking such nonsense. Meat is rich in proteins which promotes the growth of hair....

    sigh, these propaganda campaigns by the veggie industry are getting more and more ridiculous

  10. Interesting. Meat increases testosterone production, and hair follicles are sensitive to testosterone, meaning certain individuals experience hair loss on a meaty diet.

    I have a thick head of hair, and I'm meat free. Some guy at University (a meat eater), who is obsessed with weight lifting and going to the gym, is losing his hair rapidly. I read an article how working out can *also* stimulate hair loss.

    Hair loss can be caused by a bad diet, stress, genetics, ageing, food allergies, excessive styling, over colouring and bleaching. The list goes on forever! There are a long list of nutrients essential for healthy hair, particularly B vitamins. Keep your levels up with wholegrains, cereals, nuts, fruit and beans.

    However, meat does not cause hair loss in all people. But interesting question nontheless.

    Hope this helps.

  11. Unfortunately the only one being fooled is you, (it's in a book it must be true!!!) Hair loss is mostly genetic, But your diet and daily care of yourself does play a role. Why aren't cows, pigs and lambs bald. My mind is plenty  open, I've researched PETA, been vegetarian and Vegan and learned many things about the pluses and minuses of being vegetarian. But thats OK you take your vitamins while I eat this steak... MMMMMMMMMM.

  12. Since you are male, hair loss is the result of genetics, not diet (unless you are sick, or starving, or....)

    Male pattern baldness is a gene passed on through ones mother. It has nothing to do with eating meat!

    What ever you saw or read was not correct.

  13. I would really like to know your source either a link to the paper of references would be good. When I have read the paper/links I will be able to make better informed comments.

    When I ask questions like this I usually paste a link to the original source as we all know if you Google any concept/issue the results are extensive and (politely shall we say) diverse.

    Interesting research and question if this is valid.

  14. That is hilarious. You cannot possibly be serious. If that were the case, most men and women in the world would die bald....which of course they don't.

  15. Gee I don't really know but when I've seen pictures of Indians from the old west I didn't see any bald ones and they ate meat everyday of their life.  My family are meat eaters and if you look at my picture you will see I have plenty of hair, matter of fact the complaint the ladies have about me is I have too much hair all over my body.  But anyway, this fallacy you've been led to believe is utter nonsense only promulgated by tree huggers and so called vegetarians.  Which by the way is impossible to be in this day and age.  If you refuse to consume animals then you have to totally stop eating because the cycle of life includes animal products such as fertilizer which is made from manure and all water is in touch at some point with animal life such as fish and insects so no matter what you try and do, you will ingest animal products.

  16. According to your question, everyone should be 'educated' before answering your question.

    From the looks of it you're not really looking for information you just want the opinions of someone who supports you.

    'Guaranteed side-effect'? That is just false. Both my parents are in their fifties-sixties they like meat and neither of them have any sign of receding hairlines.

    You know what? Same goes for the rest of my extended family! Are you gonna take into consideration what I say or are you just gonna be close-minded and call me a liar?

    I'm 15 years old I'm a big meat-eater and I've never had any problems.

    However I have seen a similar case with instant noodles. This guy ate instant noodles every day and he lost his hair at age 30.

    Now obviously meat can't be worse than instant noodles cos noodles has all these preservatives, so how can we lose hair at 17 or anything?

    I've heard of two reasons for losing hair

    1. Genes you inherited from your mother

    2. Too much calcium being deposited in your scalp.

    So either you were reading a bogus medical journal or you're reading propaganda spread by over-enthusiastic vegetarian communities looking to 'save the farm animals'

  17. well,i started lossing my hair when i am 8 years old. atcually i went to see the doctor and the doctor told me that not exactly early the 17 years old but many people have the problem lossing hair when they where about 3-5 or 6-10 years old.its just normal.lolz8.(always true).

  18. My grandfather is like 83 and definitely NOT a vegetarian, he's Irish and looovvveeeessss meat and he has a thicker head of hair than a lot of younger people I see so that is definitely very very VERY false...

  19. I know plenty of bald vegetarians...

    and dont beleive everything you read these days.. I could write some bogus article with elaborate footnotes, quoting some big-wig here and there and publish it up on the web and no one would be the wiser for it..

    male pattern baldness is due to hormones and is a natural occurance of some men though their genetic make up.. nothing to do with eating meat.. cause some brothers of the same household with the same eating habits, some loose their hair and others dont.. its cause maybe one brother takes more after mothers side and the other dads side and whose side had the dominace for balding comes out in the end...

  20. I haven't read the study your talking about, so could you provide a link to it? For a study of this type to be believable you would have to compare sets of identical twins over a several yaer period, one being veggie and the other being an omnivore. The reason for this is most hair loss is connected to a person's genetic makeup. Without a link to this study I really can't coment on it, sorry.

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