
At what age do you start "teaching" your baby?

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My son is 9 month old. Recently, when he goes to grab my nose or mouth I will tell him repeatedly "Nose!", "Mouth!"

What is the average age to start teaching a child body parts, animals, sounds, etc. etc.




  1. i would start as soon as there boarn... like saying stuff like that when they grab at me. but 9mo. is a good age too :3

  2. It's great that you're already helping him to associate names with body's never to early to start teaching!  The earlier you do...the smarter your kid will be!

  3. birth.

    when their mind is freshh

  4. birth

  5. its never to early to to start teaching your child you'll be surprised how much they absorb

  6. I have told my daughter those things forever. Well she is only 5 months but I would always kiss her and say kisses on the cheek or wherever  they are smart and absorb everything.

  7. I would start teaching them immediately. They might not understand completely until 10-11 months old, but it doesn't hurt to start.

  8. what your doing is fine continue to teach!  

  9. I don't have any kids, but when I start having them, I'm going to start teaching them when they're a fetus.

  10. Let your kid have fun.  Teach them whenever you think they should learn.  If you teach him too much, they won't have fun.  I'm sorry.  

  11. Birth.  Children and adults are always learning.  

  12. Day 1.

    Body parts and such are more easily grasped and repeated by a child around 12 months and older.  They are more easily able to point.

  13. from birth, i taught my daughter and she knew what body parts were since she was 10 months shed point to them and say what they are, kids are smart, they listen and they learn

  14. 10 mons. to a year

  15. from birth

  16. From the moment they are born. Its how they learn everything and they pick up on everything you do and even how you feel.  

  17. asap teach when there yung beucz itz there critical time in life

  18. As early as possible. Kids pick up things very quickly. He may not be able to pronounce nose and mouth, but he will soon learn the relation.

    I don't believe in baby talk. If you talk to your child using normal words, he will learn to speak in that manner.  Everything is a learning experience for a child. Use every moment.

  19. You start as soon as possible.  You need to have a conversation with your baby throughout the day.  Explain what you are doing

    I'm putting on the socks on your feet

    I'm opening the front door

    We are turning right

    Let's go up the stairs

    Are you hungry?  What would you like to eat?  Carrots?

    Let's go to the supermarket

    Look at these tomatos - they are red and round

    Look at the bananas - they are yellow and long


  20. I started when my kids were MUCH younger -- as soon as I was taking them places. When they were in their little infant seats in the shopping cart I would give a running narrative of what I was buying and why if they were awake.

    You don't have to just barf out single words either. You can say calmly, "That's my nose," or "That's mommy's mouth" in a normal tone of voice.

    There's really never a reason to use baby talk or to use single words even though he will when he starts to talk. If you talk to him like a person without the baby talk he will learn to speak properly much faster rather than making the transition through baby talk which you will have to break him of when you want him to speak properly.

    Baby talk is different of course from baby-babble -- which is normal at his age, and from mispronouncing words because he is still learning to pronounce them.

    You should, as I said, talk to him like you would talk to any person and not condescend to him. Trust me, he will communicate on a higher level much faster if you eschew baby talk.

  21. I started probably at like 4 months  my son is just 2 now and can point and say nose, mouth, eye(s) ears, hair, boob, belly-  (belly botton), toes, feet...

    you can teach them anything at anytime. they pay attention and catch on to most things but your babes probly wont start actually saying the words till like 18month ish

  22. The average age to start teaching a baby colors, sound ,numbers,and body parts is around 2-3 years old but ist is good that u have started early so when he is able to understand u he will remember hearing and understand better

  23. from minute one. they absorb everything even they may not be able to communicate it to you. i've heard of babies being taught sign language as early as six months to help them let you know what they need before they're able to speak! read to them constantly and use as an extensive vocabulary as you can and tell them what the words mean. again, even if you can't tell, they are learning!

  24. i have done that from when my daughter was about 5 months old.  teaching them things like peek a boo is good... she is now 11 months and will put stuff over her face and pull it away and say something that resembles "boo".  keep up what you're doing... everything you say or do is teaching them on some level even if it doesn't look like they are understanding.

  25. I don't think I actually did deliberately start teaching my child, I have always talked to her a lot and sang songs etc and she just learned. There wasn't an exact time because I haven't often deliberately sat down to teach her something specific, they just learn by repetition I believe. She is 2 and a half and talks well and knows her alphabet, numbers and body parts : ) No conscious effort required

  26. Kids are little learning sponges from birth to 5 years.  I know my daughter was and she is not a genius.  My husband or myself read to her every night.  At age 2 she talked in complete sentences, knew her full name (all 4 of hers) mine and my husbands, her grandmother, addresses and phone numbers, ABC's, counting to 20, full songs.  She renamed her private area herself "my v" (wouldn't potty until I let her had a little taste of diaper rash) but she did every darn thing else.  When she started school, she learned at an accelerated rate until about 5th grade and then it started to level off.  She continued to do well but it took studying.

    So teach, teach, teach him anything you want to try.  If he is a genius, you will soon find out.  If he isn't, you give him a good running start. This is peak learning time.  You are training their brain to learn.

    You and the little one

    Be Blessed

  27. I started when my daughter was about a month old.  When I would touch her feet, toes, hands anything I would say what it was.  She is 7.5 months old, and she knows what the kitty cat and doggie are.

  28. You started teaching your child when you first saw them. My son is 5 months old and all ready he smiles when I say his name and says mama (his first word). I know he is learning and I take full advantage of every opportunity to expand his world.

  29. from birth, simple things . as he gets older the more advanced it becomes . my son loves to play , but he can also put a small puzzle together , knows his where his ear , mouth , tummy , toes are . and can even identify a couple colors, red and blue . and he's going on 15 months .  

  30. Birth.  Learning should be a lifelong, natural process.  There is no need to decide on one designated time to teach your child, and then sit him down with flash cards or drills of any kind.  My son learned body parts, colors, shapes, letters, numbers, sign language (we used Baby Signs with him as an infant), etc. just by observing us.  We started at birth and have never really stopped.

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