
At what age do you stop growing? :)

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at what age to do stop growing and what signs are there that you have stopped growing?





  1. 18 or there abouts, it will take a while for you to notice you've stopped growing, keep measuring yourself about once every month then record your height if it doesn't really change after about a year you've probably stopped growing! =]

  2. The height that you achieve depends on several factors: 1) The genes you inherit from your parents; 2) The age you enter puberty (when you start to develop sexually); 3) the age you have your first period (if you?re a girl); and 3) your general health. If you have a chronic disease, for example, this will affect your height. Most young women achieve their full height within 12 to 18 months after their first period. (around 16 years old) Most young men tend to stop growing at the end of puberty when they begin to shave regularly. (around 18 years old)

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  3. till we die...

  4. Its different for everyone.

  5. You stop growing approximately 2 yrs after you had your first period. If you havent grown for 1 year then you are done growing.

    Hope that helped!!! :D

    PLZ answer mine!;...

  6. Girls around the age of 19

    Boys can grow until the average age of 21

    I can correlate this because I work in a branch of medicine specializing in sleep disorders and contrary to popular belief.....from the onset of puberty until the listed ages, they are not lazy, the body actually requires about 9 or more hours of sleep due to the rapid growth spurts which occur

  7. ITs different for everyone.

    I have stopped. and I'm 14.

  8. you start srinking at 35

    you stop growing about 21 but your nose and ears never stop growing  

  9. Well when I went for my physical a few months ago, my height had been the same for the past 2 years, so my doctor said I'm done.

  10. In your early 20's.Probably 20-23.

    The signs are:

    You won't grow anymore(height).

  11. Bones for males about 18. And some parts continue growing, e.g. nose, ears, male private organs. Otherwise, most growth stops for males in the early twenties.

    Sights, well, reduced growth rate I'd guess. Also, if you are over 15-17 you are almost maxing out if you are a girl, and about 18-20 if you are a boy.

    Yeah, one year of no significant change probably means you are done.

  12. Males tend to grow till at least early twenties (20-25), females grow till the age of 18. Or at least, this was what i was told.

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