
At what age do you think is a good age to have children?

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At what age do you think is a good age to have children?




  1. the age that you have children is irrelevant,  what is important is the maturity level of the people who plan to have children, also the parents need to think about there finances and how well established they are or what they'd like to accomplish before having children, it wouldn't make much sense to have a child when your in a dead end job without benefits or when you plan on going to college the following year...  establish yourself first then think about children...

  2. It depends on your situation, whats right for some people is not right for others.

  3. i was 22 and think thats a good age personally

  4. I think wen ur mature and responsible, 25 and ^

  5. Whenever you feel you've got the most of your freedom and are ready to completely devote your life to another person.

    I would, usually definately after age 20.

    Saying that, I'm sure there are teens that are far better mothers than some 30 yr olds.

  6. mid to late 20's i think.

  7. 26-34 Not too young - have had your fun but not too old either...

    Too young and you miss out on mis-spending your youth, have barely enough life experience yourself and may have less money, security, patience and savvy in order to cope best.

    Older parents too whilst having an abundance of life experience and usually lots of security, often find it very (understandably) tiring with all the sleepless nights etc

    That said though, there are no hard and fast rules - some teenage Mums are dedicated and fantastic and some older Mums may have an abundance of energy and relish having waited to have kids so there are individual variations too..

    I had my first daughter aged 28 and for me that was just right.  She goes to school next year and I'll be 33.  If I had had her younger I would have struggled with the endurance/challenging aspects of parenting which non-parents/non-mothers who have an idealised view of parent/motherhood often neglect to ackowledge.  I am also not planning any more given my age and because I do not want to be an old or wrinkly Mum and as I say the thought of going back to all the sleepless nights etc again just does not appeal!!

  8. I'd say start around 25

  9. 20 +

  10. young! So your body snaps back quicker and with less effort

  11. any age you think you are ready to handle them

  12. There is no "good" age. I don't think people should have children until they are ready for both the emotional and financial responsibility that goes along with being a parent. Parenting require patience, unconditional love, and stability, etc. Those things are not age specific.

  13. Depends on what you want to do i think..

    personally id love kids at 26ish.. after iv traveled

    thought my best friend had a baby at 16 and couldnt be happier she loves children and thats all she wants


  14. around 26-34

  15. around 25

  16. yeah, 20 and up. like, some people have kids in their teenage years, and that's really bad for your reputation and also you could be wrecking your own life. you might be physically ready to have kids, but not mentally. (: hope this helped!

  17. i think its at what you r sure your responsible enough

  18. There isnt a "good" age to have children.

    You should have children when you have the muturity to cope and the financial support.  

    I think its horrible when society critisises teenagers for having babies when they could be better parents then some adults.

    The only exception is if the baby isn't wanted and it is just out of teenagers stupidity and lazyness not to use protection!

  19. Middle twenties, hopefully you will be at a more mature stage in your life and not just out of high school not knowing anything thing of the world.  You are still young enough to enjoy them as they grow older.

  20. 25 26 27

  21. It's more about readiness than age. You are ready to have children when you are ready to be available to t hem 24/7 even when that means sitting up all night with a colicky baby or a toddler with a fever. You are ready for kids when you are ready to give up your weekends out to sit home and watch "The adventures of Elmo" while having cookies and milk.

    When you have children, you walk around with your heart forever on the outside of your body and would give up your life in an instant if it meant saving theirs.....

    Also you must be able to provide for them finanacially. Kids are NOT cheap.  Diapers will run you around $20 a week, plus wipes, flormula (or healthy food for you if you breast feed) baby food, clothes for baby that they quicky outgrow, dr visits, toys, day care while you work, ect.

    WHen you arer eady children can be the greatest joy ever, but if you have a child and aren't ready, you will feel tied down and trapped, which isn't fair to either of you....

  22. 24 0r 25

  23. In the late twenties or early thirties. Still young, able to keep up with them, but old enough, you and your husband could still do fun things, like going out.

  24. 22+

  25. I was 22, 25, 32 and 38!!!

    They were all good ages.

  26. Before 25 is ideal. but before 30 must.


  27. I would say 20 + I had my children at 20 and 21 and I'm now 24 and wanting a 3rd, but just don't think I can handle another one. I keep up just fine with my toddlers, but sometimes it gets tiring.

  28. 25 26 27 . As your not too old and you have had chance to lead a happy life (clubbing etc etc )

  29. after 22 - when one is emotionally, financially ready

    before 30 - when body is more capable and chances of any complications are practically zero.

  30. it totally depends on when you think you are ready to be a good parent. its all maturity not the age trust me bro a 20 yr mature dad get respect and a 40 yr old immature dad gets hate from his children. so listen to your heart not your age. as age has nothing to do with being a role model of your childrens.

  31. That is a question that can range anywhere from 20-40. the answer is when you READY. Make sure you have the right financial help & the right amount of time for the baby. A baby is really expensive, and having a child in your adolescent years could really take a hefty toll on you and your babies life. Remember the things that you do with your life effects the baby once you have one.

    <3 calie

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