
At what age do you think teens/kids should start dating?

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Please be sure to list your reasons behind your answer. What other rules and guidelines do you have set for your kids dating?




  1. I think 14 you don't want to be to young

  2. At age 5 and kids know that they are not to have a girlfriend until they are 18, and if they do, I will ground them.....18 is a more responsible age...and if I keep on top of my kids, school, sports, and family will be their first good values in life, then by age 18, they will know how to treat a girl with dignity and respect.....and I am a "crazy strict parent"


    and they will not bring home a girl like llenexxxxx or whatever...I bet your parents are proud of that picture....bring on the thumbs down baby!!!!

  3. im still young (20), but i have some insight on this i feel. 12-13 is way too young..too impressionable and they are still seeking out identity.  id say around 14-15 is a good time..i mean at that point theyre in or heading to highschool. so now they're hormones are movin around and theyre starting to notice the opposite s*x more, but understanding it a little better also, they take classes in this stuff etc. id say dont pressure them either which way, just let them know that you support them at that time when u do choose it to be right.  Many young kids think that they found the loves of their life at like age 13..its crazyness...i think dating is good because it lets you play the field and get a feel for responsibility in relationships. so you start it out at that young age, and get better at it when it matters. by the time they hit college they will have had enough experience to know between the right and wrong should hope.

  4. 16, vvhen they have a license and can actually go on dates. I dont vvont my child going out too young on dates because theres really no reason they need to at a young age, and I dont vvant to be a crazy strict parent that doesnt allovv my child to date until they are 18. You have to trust them and be able to give them alittle freedom or they vvill just do it behind your back.

  5. Well I noticed that around seventh grade, especially eight grade that people start to date. So around fourteen years old.

  6. I say thay kids should be allowed to date at age 14 or even 13 and a half. i say that because thats when i started dating. also because at that age kids are in the middle of middle school. But it depends on how well you know and trust your kids.

  7. 16

  8. 15-16

  9. 16, they seem a little more mature than the younger people do, and if they don't let them date till they show some maturity.

  10. Group dating only until 15-16.  No one on one dates until after then.

  11. 16 your more mature at that age. 16 is about the age most kids start getting  car and a job and can start paying for things them self. I just feel at 14 you are too immature to handle a relationship..not saying i dont think a boy and a girl should not be able to hang out but be in a relationship i feel you should be older.

  12. i say just let them go for it as long as you monitor what they do together,

    i had my first boyfriendwhen i was 11 lol

  13. Whenever you can trust them.. and when they are sensible enough to know all the responisbilities

  14. Well my first 'boyfreind' was in grade 7. I would have been 12. It was the silly puppy love however. Get eachother cheap valentines gifts, slow dance at school dances, and hang out with friends. That was about it. However I didnt get into any kind of physcial realtionship until i was 16. So I say around 13 would be okay for dating as long as you are keeping an eye on it. If they want to hang out at your home, keep the door open. Dont let them have too much freedom because kids theses days are getting sexualy adventurous pretty young these days. However around 16,17, most teenagers are going to experiment no matter what you do. Dont try to stop them from being with the opposite s*x completly, or else they are going to rebel.

  15. People are very confused about dating these days. People think it should be fun and casual and experimental, but look at where this modern mindset is leading families and marriages. Right down the tubes. Most marriages end in divorce. Most relationships end before marriage. Most kids are born without two loving, committed, married parents.

    Family is what society is made of. If the family is broken, society is broken. The signs of sickness are all around us, and most of us know fatherless children, husbandless mothers, steps of every kind, all kinds of abuse of people, abuse of substance, total depravity and immorality surround us, and thanks to TV, we're so used to it that it doesn't even shock us.

    The purpose of "dating" should be to find a suitable spouse. Until one is prepared to think about marriage seriously, there is absolutely NO reason to date. Everything that happens to a young teen, including premarital physical relations, will stay with that person forever. The physical relationship is intended for a man and woman who love each other completely. If they love each other that much, they will be ready to commit to each other for life, and marriage is that commitment.

    The age will vary, for some younger people are thinking of marriage at 16-18, and some people aren't "ready" for marriage until they are 40, and they somehow think that after they've slept with 300 people, they will have something to offer a spouse. When s*x isn't sacred outside of marriage, it sure won't be sacred in marriage either. We reap what we sow. Go read the "Marriage & Divorce" section of Yahoo Answers and see how marriages are doing these days, in the days where s*x with anyone and everyone is free and easy and encouraged by society.

    It's not age that's important. It's mindset and maturity level, but 16 is probably the very youngest that a person could be and still recognize traits of a good spouse over traits of a good roll in the hay.

  16. 17 and they have to be home by midnight. and even then most of the time double-dating is better than the kids going just as a couple.

    my parents didn't let me date until I was 18 and even then I couldn't really get a date anyway so I guess it didn't matter that much. unless it was homecoming or prom and my best friend would make her older brother take me or one of her exes.

    and my dad would shout out the window from the living room especially when a date honked to pick me up. and that's scary.

    my parents seemed to be much more lenient with my younger sister, she could hang out with whomever and my parents would even take pictures of her and her dates for the dances. [I went off to college her freshman yr. of HS] I on the otherhand felt like Napoleon Dynamite.

    and even moving back to the parental house after school, sometimes I'd get dates and go out and then get h**l for coming back late. I'm over 21. Christ. And I'm the most conservative of the whole bunch.

  17. Before I could officially date, my parents would like to talk to my "boyfriend's" parents, possibly carpool to the movies, and we had to see the 7pm show. Once I turned 16, my parents became a little more lenient, but they still would like to meet the guy at the door, meet his parents, etc. before they approve of us getting serious.

    Also, I could not talk to guys on the phone after my parents went to bed, could not sneak out, had an earlier curfew (around 10pm. I'm 18 and I still have a 10pm curfew.) and just nit-picky things like that to ensure my safety!

    Hope this helps.

  18. 16.  then they are somewhat more mature and able to grasp the whole "dating thing"...

  19. 17    cuz kids shouldnt be having kids lol

  20. 17 so by then they have a driver's license, too.

    However, it should be casual dating...nothing like "meet the family" until at least 19 or 20, imo.

  21. I think that it's ok to start having boyfriends/girlfriends when you are a teenager- around 13. When you're that age, it's nothing serious. It means you both like each other and hang out. I think that even if parents restrict dating, their teenagers could very possibly still get a boyfriend/girlfriend and just not tell you. If you are REALLY serious about not having them date, you need to talk to them. That's the only way to really reach out to them.

  22. When they are old enough to understand how to care for and support a baby - and old enough to know how to live on their own, and balance a checkbook.


    Because once they start dating, the odds of pregnancy and STD's increase - simply because of hormones...and sadly, lack of parental guidance or education. If they do not know how to do the things above, then they should not date.

    And why allow them to date so young? What's the rush??? Think about it:

    We truly only have 18 years to enjoy our youth, and to hold onto the "innocence" - after that, we are adults with responsiblilties, stress, money issues, health issues, etc. Dating should honestly be the last thing they think about.

    Keep them busy with positive things - school, sports, travel the world, etc. Please...

  23. this one is a tough one although  ask your self when you started dateing and how that worked out  also  how did you raise your child and the standards you set in your child  how ell do you know your child these days  things are alot faster moveing then when we where kids you realy cant tell them no because  they will resent you for it  and may  do it behind your back i know with my oldest daughter,,, and i know some parents may not agree with this but i started  telling my girls  things  while they where young my oldest is 24 and my youngest is 10  i started telling my girls aboput s*x  and aids etc  when they where very young its just not safe   any more and your child should know  and all you can do is pray  that he or she  makes the right chioce self defence classes  are good to lol  because are childern are growing up so fast now  the later the age the better  buti think 17 is an ok age to strat dateing  provideing youve instilled  what they should know about s*x etx  and the dangers  that could accure  and remeebr  it only takes one time and there life is over  re  aids

  24. I think that they should be an older teen like 16-17. When I was in middle school I would go on group dates, then high school I would move on to single dates. I think it's ALWAYS important to go in a group, always because it keeps them safer in my opinion. I started dating when I was 13 years old and I really wish I would have waited longer because I feel like I lost time to be a kid. Good luck! =]

  25. 16 or 17

  26. 16 to 17 is a good age to start.  If they want a real date both should be able to drive places. You should monitor them.  This doesn't mean to watch them like a hawk.  Meet the person your son or daughter is going out with first.  It is a little scary to meet the parents.  Talk to your son or daughter first about what is acceptable and what is not.  Good Luck!

  27. when they get into high school

  28. omg i started dating at 10!! 16 or 17 is wayyyyy to old!!!!

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