
At what age do you think you were mature enough to be a parent?

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Money, jobs and school are NOT to be taken into consideration. Maturity level-wise only, please. All other answers will not have a chance of getting picked as best.




  1. I felt mature enough around 19. I had my first at 20. It was still difficult to finish my education. The baby's daddy was not mature enough. He didn't really seem involved in her life until he was 30( she was 10 by then and he had another child with his exwife)

  2. Well everyone is different.  If your are talking about mothers, I became a mother at age 20.  I was ready I did a good job and didn't listen to everyone's advise. (well, just my own mother) It's mostly instinct with most women. Some, not so much.  

    There was a teenage girl who lived next to us who had a baby when my son was 3.  She slept all day and the baby was always in dirty diapers and dirty clothes and seemed to always have a sour milk bottle.  

    I found the baby when he was able to walk, wandering around and usually kept him until his "mother" woke up and discovered him missing. Of course, I bathed him and gave him fresh milk, but she was 17 and had NO business having a baby.

    On the other hand my sister got pregnant at 16 and was a very doting mother. My family worked it out where she could be home-schooled until she had the baby and then babysat while she went on to college.

    So, like I said , it's different for everyone.  Be sure you sow your wild oats first because it's sometimes hard to find a sitter.

  3. Im 24 and Im mature enough to have a baby. I had set the age of 26 because I figured by then I would be ready for a child. Ive been in my current relationship for a long time now and I honestly think we are mature enough and have the money to have one. (Maturity also involves money because its very immature to have a child when you have no money)

    Its pretty much when you no longer giggle when you hear the words p***s and v****a.

  4. it all depends on the person, i had my first child 6 days after turning 16, now pregnant with my second and it will be born 4 mos after i turn 18. but i have been married for 2 years.

  5. Maturity level wise i think i could take a baby on at 17

  6. i think it depends on the person. i was raising my 2 little brothers since i was 10. i just had my first child at age 20 and ive just finished adopting my little brothers who are 13 and 9. but i would say i was ready for a child at age 18. but it depends on what the person is like and if they can take not only the parental responsibilites but also care for a child w or wo support.

  7. 24 years old

  8. i think it really depends on the life experieces a person has had. I have always been very independant, and was married at 20 and pregnant with baby number one at 21. I also know alot of 21 year olds who life revolve around which bar and how drunk they can get in one night... it depends on where you are in your life. I think when your ready you will know... it could be as young as 18 or as old as 40... its your decision, only you can decide.

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