
At what age does a bride start to look silly in a long white dress?

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For a first wedding? 35? 45? 75?

Is there a time when she should wear a white suit instead? Or a shorter dress?

Or doesn't it matter about her age?




  1. About that age.   35-40, but it really depends on how you carry your age.   A young 50 might look great, while an old 30 looks terrible.  

  2. The answer is different now than just 20 years ago.  Nowadays it is considered perfectly acceptable to wear a formal gown and to wear white at any age.  But once you start looking at dresses, you'll see that most of them these days are strapless ballgowns geared towards a young and "perky" figure.  If you can pull it off, go for it!  But I personally didn't want to look like the cookie-cutter 25-year-old bride, I wanted something unique.  I was 40 when I married for the 2nd time last year, and I chose an ivory flapper-style long beaded dress from Macy's.  It had pretty sheer fabric that covered the shoulders and down the back, so I didn't feel so exposed by the spaghetti strap underdress.  But no need to feel like you have to "dress down" with a suit or short dress unless a simpler look is what you want.  Just keep your eyes out at nice department stores like Macy's or Dillard's and boutiques like Cache and Jessica McClintock for styles that are a little more sophisticated and less princess-like.

  3. age doesn't matter on the white for a first wedding but once she's past about age 22 or 23 but definitely past 25, the cinderella ruffles and tiara have got to go.  

    I'm really liking the color trends on the dresses these days.  And while I don't think I'd really want one, I've been impressed with how pretty some of the black wedding gowns are.  (I'm thinking red for me)

  4. An acquaintance of mine got married a few years ago and she was 41 and she wore a long white wedding dress and it was her 2nd wedding and I have to say that she looked ridiculous, and I don't mean that in a catty way, she just did!

    It was in a registry office as well, a nice simple 2 piece suit would of looked classier.

    So late 30's I would say, after that a suit or shorter dress.

  5. i would say there's no limit. even if you 90 you want that day to be special and if it's the first wedding then why not celebrate how you want.

    the question should be rather what style the dress should be. there are lot of wedding dresses that suits all ages and styles.  

    if you want white dress don't deprive yourself.

  6. Years ago the tradition was to wear white only if you were a virgin. That has since went by the wayside. Any color goes now. As for the answer to your question at any age the bride can wear a long white gown. What ever she chooses is her business. Anything goes these days.  

  7. I think you should where what you feel comfortable in. There's no age where I would say a white dress looks 'silly', however the time and place of the wedding should play a part in deciding appropriate attire. And the style of the long white dress can be more 'age appropriate' if that is a concern. I don't think age matters, but feeling comfortable DEFINITELY does! And it will show, all day long if you feel beautiful... wear what makes you happy.

  8. I dont think it matters as long as she feels great. I mean a 70 year old shouldnt wear a mini dress but as long as she picks the right style she will look fine

  9. i don't think age is relevant as long as its a flattering dress! i can imagine a 25 year old walking down the aisle and i can also imagine a 65 year old!

    i say however old you are go  for it!

    Belzie x

  10. Oh my goodness according to some of these answers I should go return my dress!  But I wont, its beautiful and makes me feel special and its my wedding.

    Style will always play the biggest role in any selection of formal wear, but in the end if you are happy that is all that counts.

    I am 44, slim, trim and not falling apart thank you very much and I've chosen a gorgeous full length dress in white for my first and only wedding....I hope you find the perfect dress for you and don't worry about what you think is right for your 'age'.

    congratulations on your upcoming wedding!  

  11. Wear whatever dress makes you feel beautiful! Your wedding is your day to shine :)

  12. It doesn't matter what age - it's then the style of the dress which is important if the bride is older.

  13. I'd say never. A beautiful, flattering dress always looks gorgeous on a woman, no matter the age!

  14. i'd say 35 ... 40 maybe but that is pushing it

  15. Long white isn't the issue as much as a fluffy wedding dress.

    Early to mid thirties is the cut off for the full-out wedding dress.  Much beyond that and the woman looks like she is in a costume.

    Now, a more simple floor-length white gown is appropriate at most any age.  The colour is optional.  Our colouring changes as we age and pure white can be harsh on more mature women.  Ivory or off-white will be more flattering.

    A suit or a shorter dress is refined and elegant on any bride, regardless of age.

  16. I don't think that a long white dress is ever inappropriate. YOu can still have simple long white gowns for more casual ceremonies. I don't care if its tradition for the young "virginal" bride to wear the dress (though it started as a wealth thing and not a purity thing), if it makes the bride feel pretty than more power to her. This does not affect the guests, so it goes into "whatever the bride wants" as long as it suits the style of the rest of her wedding and her body.

  17. Well,I'm having my second wedding in the Caribbean and at 43 I'm quite comfortable wearing my long ivory dress on the what feels right.

  18. If it is your first wedding and you have always dreamed of wearing the long white dress... Even if you are 75 I say go for it!! Cus you will never get that chance again!! My Granny wore a suit to her 3rd wedding and she was like 50 ish. but it was very informal.

  19. well, i would say you could wear a long white dress until your in your forties, as long as it has sleeves!

  20. I would say 60.  

  21. 40+

  22. The Bride wore white, I think that a bride could wear white anytime but to see a 50 year old women dressed like she is 25. I would say Well not my style but it's her day.

  23. To be honest i think it depends on the women and how well she aged but if she a little older she should probably cover up more by adding sleeves

    ps- a 70 yr old you definitely not be wearing a mini skirt it would not be a pretty sight and all the guests would be cringing  

  24. It depends on the style and a bunch of other variables.  My cousin (a widow) got married to her second husband when she was in her 50s.  She wore a white floor-length St. John knit sheath with a jacket that had pearls and crystal trim.  She looked stunning, and it was totally age-appropriate.  She would have looked silly in a full-skirted ball gown.

    My girlfriend just got remarried at 39.  She is petite and has a knockout figure.  She wore an ivory, full-skirted strapless gown with a train (far more beautiful than anything she could have afforded when she married her first icky husband).  She, too, looked great.  It's all about style, getting the right lingerie, and having an excellent tailor.

  25. Hi.  I don't think it looks "silly" to wear a long white dress if you are a first time bride, although I think at age 75 that would be pushing it!! an older age, most women are more mature and will go for a softer, scaled down look.  My own sister was married for the first time at age 40.  YES, she did wear a long white dress, but it was very simple and classy....a very, very small train.  It certainly was no big poofy cinderella type of dress!!

    Personally, I think most older brides go this way....elegant and understated.  I don't think there would be many older brides (over 40) that would do the big poofy pick up skirt type of wedding gown.

    But, if that is what they want....why not?  

  26. as a bride you can never look bad in  a long dress but u have to choose on that would look good with ur shape however cocktail dresses begin to look bad after 50 but it depends on hte bride

  27. It shouldn't matter. Get advice from from a Bridal shop if you are still insecure.

  28. Not necessarily white but the style of the dress .

    The big traditional puffy white wedding dress i think would look silly on a woman over 32 at the latest .

    But certainly a white dress in a more classic style would be acceptable i'm sure.

  29. A bride wearing a white dress is a beauty to behold.

    Age should play no part.

    Design might be worth considering  but otherwise - go for it ladies.

  30. It doesn't matter how old you are, if this is your first wedding you can always wear a long white dress.

    Even it it was the second or third wedding I'd still wear the long dress maybe not white but that's only because the white was used for the first wedding and I love the diffrent color dresses.

    I love the white suit idea if it's at a courthouse, but if it's a ceremony totally go with the white dress.

    Good Luck and Congratulations.

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