
At what age does a child say its first word?

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my son is 13 months old he is walkin and doing evreything a baby should but im worried as hes not making any mama or dada sounds jus babbling which hes been doin since he was 6 months old am i just being paranoid




  1. my son only started saying dadda a fews ago and hes 2 on the 28th of july, it really depends on the child and if there is any other siblings as my daughter always did the talking for my son

  2. It's different for every child, my son said mommy at 7 months, but i think it becomes a worry to doctors, when tha child gets closer to 18 months and hasn't said anything at all, then they do more hearing tests...

  3. A 13-month-old generally is able to say 8-10 words spontaneously, imitate words, imitate animal sounds, and use words within jargon-like speech. If you are truly concerned and you live in the states, you can easily have your son evaluated under the early intervention program. The evaluation is free. The speech pathologist will determine whether or not your son has a big enough delay in order to qualify for speech therapy (which is also free).

    Early intervention as a whole is the key. Take advantages of the services. I have had many children who were completely non-verbal, and within six months of therapy, they were dismissed from services because their language skills were age-appropriate! Sometimes kids need that little 'push.' If you have more specific questions, please feel free to contact me. I will gladly send you some strategies that you can use at home to stimulate your son's expressive language.

  4. my little man didn't say his actual first word till a little bit after he was one.  i wouldnt worry abt it if this is your first your going to be impatiant for all those firsts to start. like walking i freaked when mine didn't start walking till after he was one. but thats all he does now is good luck have fun

  5. if he doesnt speak by two and a half worry

    but i didnt speak or walk till i was two and im fine :)

    my mom took me to the docs and he suggested speech therapists - but all they do is like mouth words and stuff - my mom just did that with me for free at home...

    my little sis started talking when she was 8 months though

    so anyway dont worry :)

  6. My son is nearly 15 months and he walks etc but doesn't say words yet, apart from babbling.

  7. they are all different.  my oldest daughter was 8 months when she said a combination of duck and frog (work it out) and then said nothing until she was around 18 months.  she was talking well at aged 3.  my younger one was 14 months when she said fish (we kept the frog away in the bath) was saying about 70 individual words at 18 months and talking in sentances using all the joining words (and, if, on, the etc) at 20 months.  my friends daughter hardly said anything before she was 3.  have a word with you health visitor if you are worried but it sounds normal to me.  If he is not talking at around 3 - 4 years, he will probably be sent to a speach therapist, but you have a long way to go before that.  Enjoy the silence that you will miss when he starts the 'why?' phase.

  8. I wouldn't worry, children vary enormously, and girls tend to talk earlier than boys, anyway. (I'm not being sexist)  when they do learn a new word, they say it so many times, it'll drive you nuts!  

    Someone famous once said, 'you spend the first few years teaching your child to talk, then the next ten telling them to shut up! '

  9. my little man said mama and dada at about 6or 7 months

    he just turned a year last week

    he has quiet a few words now like doggy

    thanks sky pu teddy nanna he also calles peoples names

    but i wouldnt worry just yet my sister had ba little girl that turned 3 and could not talk

    she was tung tied meaning the thread that runes under her toung was too short or tight if you like

    she had to have a very small opperation to fix it

    but my god when she woke up she spoke perfectly calling her mama and looking for her dody

    she is 8 now and has not shut up since


    but thats not to say your little one has this problem

    if he is babeling away its a good sign

    he may surprise you very soon

  10. i said my first word a couple weeks before i turned one. my twin brother didnt  sart talking till 2 or so and he is fine. i guess if he doesent talk by three then its a problem. but they do say that little boys are slower at learning things.

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