
At what age does a child typically start putting shapes in the corresponding holes?

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What age do children typically conquer shape sorters with five or more shapes?




  1. early toddler hood....but the range is wide so don't be upset if your child has not done this. Interest also plays an important role in this. ave..16 mos. to master this skill. Average could mean 9 to 22 months.

  2. there are no certain ages for anything with children.  they may never do that they may do it as soon as they sit up

  3. my daughter is 15 months and has started putting rings on the ring stick and she attempts at putting the shapes in her shape holder they will get it on their own eventually  

  4. Of course as we all no they do wat they want when they are ready. My little one started shape sorters at 2. Walmart has foam number and shape sorters for 99cents each I just practice with her .  

  5. I believe that my daughter was about 2 1/2 almost 3 before she was connecting and getting them correct every time.

    However each child develops at different rates so try not to judge your child based on the answers of others. My daughter was speaking much better than her 3 months younger brother (her fathers child) at the age of 2, however her brother could throw and catch a ball much better than my daughter!!

    I hope this helps


  6. My one started to show interest when he was 18 months old but he didn't get all the shapes in the right place.

  7. all kids are different

  8. My 16 month old daughter has a cookie jar (shape sorter) where you put shapes through the slots (square, circle, triangle etc.)

    She has mastered the circle and square but not the star and heart yet.

    I have no idea what the age range is for this.

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