
At what age does a pit bulld head stop growing?

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at what age does a pit bulls head stop growing and at what age does their chest stop getting wider pleas be nice ok dont be rude its just a question thanks AND NO I DONT FIGHT THEM I WAS JUST THINK ABOUT GETTING ONE thank you for you nice advice.




  1. There usually done fillng out at around 2 yrs old. Although there is some variation but normally about 2 yrs old.  

  2. 2 years old they become fully filled out and stop growing.

  3. They are pretty much grown at a year old. In the next year they do their filling out and getting their muscles. My older APBT was a big sorta skinny pup at a year and about 45 lbs. At two she had gotten the big jaw muscles, big chest muscles and muscular legs and hit about 55 lbs.

    My baby APBT just turned a year old. She already has a big head and the big jaw muscles and huge leg and chest muscles, though still a bit skinny. She is 50 to 60 lbs and will probably top out at around 70 lbs when she hits two years old.

    GET ONE. They are the most friendly, lovable dogs in the world. Mine love everyone that comes to the house. They do not know what a stranger is. They even love the mail person and the cable guy.

    Best dogs in the world!

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