
At what age does a woman generally reach menopause?

by Guest31982  |  earlier

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Does late menopause cause problems? IF yes, then what could be those? Is it okay for a women in mid-fifty to not have reached menopause, if she has no problems whatsoever?

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  1. The average age is 51, though the general range is anything from 45 to 55. But lots of healthy women don't fall within this range, so don't panic.

    Although not significant, being exposed to oestrogen for longer periods means that women whose menopause occurs after 55 do have a slightly higher risk of breast cancer, so it's important to keep on checking. This is especially true if you were an early bloomer in terms of getting periods.

    However I think late menopause decreases risk of heart disease, so there are some benefits :) x

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