
At what age does it become 'abnormal' to not have being kissed?

by  |  earlier

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I put abnormal in inverted commas for a reason - what other word can I put? lol




  1. 30

  2. 25

  3. 13

  4. 16

  5. 15

  6. If I had a daughter 30 :-)

  7. 75

  8. 20+

  9. never

    when ur ready, when you find someone you want to kiss

    dont make the mistake of having ur first kiss with the wrong guy

    you want to remember it.

  10. I would say anything past 25 would be a bit on the weird side.

  11. I dunno, aye. It's probably common for most people to have kissed someone by the time they've turned 17, but when its' abnormal depends on your personal opinion... i just turned 18 and haven't been kissed yet and I know this is quite unusual, but I'm not the only person in my group of friends who hasen't, so I don't feel so weird. But if you wanted the mainstream answer for when it gets slighty 'abnormal', i'd say 17 or 18.

  12. I say 25.

    That's just awkward.

  13. I would say 18 tops

  14. It would be abnormal if one just want to be normal and get kissed at the 'right' age. Don't you want to make sure you are kissed by the deserving one? and not being kissed because the 'time' is up?

    If you are kissed at 17, good for you but you are kissed only at 27 there is nothing 'abnormal' with that too, be happy as the right one has arrived.

  15. don't forget...your momma always used to kiss you goodnight

  16. I didn't have my first kiss till I was 17

    I felt like I was abnormal for having not been kissed till then, but honestly now it doesn't matter.  

  17. 120 years old, since no one lives to this age.

  18. 9

  19. 99! If you haven't by then, then I'm really sorry.

    Aw, you've had your first kiss, how was it?

    I'm asking because I haven't gotten mine, but whatever, I'm only 15 lol :P

  20. I don't think it is abnormal at all not to have kissed someone. Others may disagree, but maybe you just don't want to.

  21. I would say between 16-18. But, everyone does things at different times. So don't get worried.

  22. Amazing how the answers above are all over the board. Though the right timing would be when u prefer to express ur love or emotions with kissing.

    Do not feel u r obligated to commit to a certain age number, but 19 is decent if ur asking since you'll not be in school for certain and most probably independent. Ur culture, environment and parental guidance will have a bit to do with it for sure.

    BUT it is u and what u deem times a hug works better or best with a kiss, yet who deserves it of course is the Question u need to answer?

  23. None. You kiss someone because you are ready and want to. Don't pay attention to peer pressure. It's your life and as you get older you want to say I was always me.

  24. whats so special about being kissed?  if you dont have a special person to share it with would it be worth remembering for the rest of your life?  really you wont ever forget your first kiss.

  25. it is def. not abnormal to not be kissed. it just means your waiting on the right person for your first to be with. it should make ppl respect your decisions more. do worry about it so much.

  26. Probably arounnnddd....


    I think by then it'd be high time you got a smooch.

  27. 18 i say if you haven't been kissed by that age you need to get out

  28. its normal when the pastor says "You may now kiss the bride". It's abnormal when you're 13-19 etc. and there is no commitment. You only get 1 first kiss and it should be with someone you're gonna be with for the rest of your life.

    P.S. I'm probably gonna get a-lot of thumbs down.

  29. I agree after 18 thats kinda weird.  

  30. Depends on what kinda person you are. I shouldn't really matter.

    Help me if you can.;...

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